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November 28, 2011

Why hasn't God answered my Prayers?

So its been awhile since I have blogged as I step into this new season of insight and prophetic understanding I pray that my words are received in Wisdom and in Love.

FAITH-belief that is not based on proof:

TRUST-confident expectation of something; hope.

There are so many things that we as God's people have experienced and through the duration of this blog I have covered almost every possible aspect of Man's view of the church, down to the sin that so easily beset us as Christians. However the word that has been so sound in my spirit has been Trust. Last night I had the privilege to teach on Trust to 2 of my spiritual children. Everyone knows that Trust means to depend on or believe in. But like Faith without Trust it is impossible to please God. It is also impossible to have one without the other. I know in my earlier walk with Christ I wondered why it seemed as if I had faith that God could rip the ceiling open he would give me one of those Moses visitations (lol but it never happened) Oftentimes when I had bills due or lacked in a need in my life, out of my mouth I would declare FAITH but it seemed as if that very thing I had FAITH in never worked on my behalf. Why is that? Everyone whom I shared my desires with have said, "Girl all you need is FAITH the size of a Mustard Seed and God'll do it but noone ever told me I had to TRUST as well. TRUST had been a touchy subject for me for years. But TRUST was the key to receiving those things that I had FAITH in. You can have FAITH that good will happen but if you don't TRUST in the one who you place FAITH in it will never happen. Did you know The factor of TRUST will eliminate Doubt? Doubt only comes when the thing you asked God for didnt come to pass as fast as you desire. If you Trusted in God believing no matter when it will happen, it shall happen, that makes a difference in your Endurance of Faith.

The Cause and Effect

Faith is the Plant, Trust is the Water. The Greater the Faith the Bigger the Seed, The Greater the Trust the Faster the Growth. Remember Faith is the substance of things hoped for (Hebrews 11:1) and Trust is the Expectation of Confidence in the thing you are believing God for. Where does your weakness lie, is it the fact of believing something you can't see or is it remaining steadfast to the thing you have FAITH in? When you find where your lacking, a simple prayer of help will get you on the right path.

A Prayer of Faith

Heavenly Father I acknowledge that I have been weak in Faith but I acknowledge as you said in your word that All things work together for my good, I also realize that without Faith it is impossible to please you. I ask on this day that you strengthen me and instill in me a burning desire of belief that you will do what you have promised as long as I believe. I ask that you help me when Doubt enters my spirit and I denounce anything that is not like you that may be hindering me. I declare Victory in your son Jesus name. I thank you for your gift of Faith and the Victory I have declared through this prayer In Jesus Name. Amen.

A Prayer of Trust

Heavenly Father first giving honor to you in Humility and Meekness I ask for your help on Trust today. Lord I realize that I have not placed my total Trust in you but I am asking for your help. Teach me how to Trust in you and to forgive those who have hurt me in my past. I acknowledge that all things are possible to those who believe. Show me the error of my ways and show me what I am holding on to that is hindering me from moving forward. Lord I believe in what you said when you spoke if we desire it then we shall have it. Thank you for granting me Trust today in Jesus Name. Amen.

I pray you were blessed today and that you can apply this information in any aspect of your life.


November 14, 2011

The Wicked Witch of the South

God has been dealing with me about this for sometime, I am tired of these Women in ministry hiding behind their husbands operating in Divination. I had a woman reach out to me a while ago basically telling on her self. Like any person who comes into my life I went to God in prayer and asked him about this woman, well....he revealed to me that she was a Witch. It didn't come as a surprise to me she looked and acted like one. The more I try to wrap my mind around why is their so many Jezebels the more frustrated I get. The more I try to wrap my mind around the fact that no one is stepping up to the plate as far as calling these women out, and teaching them how to act as a wife, lady of the church, and a mother. Now on to what this blog is about.

About 4 months ago God placed a woman in my spirit whom I looked up to for years, she had a great influence on Women and Men when it came to deliverance and the spirit realm. However, because I looked up to her so much it was hard for me to see who she really was because of the blinders.
How do you think it would have been for Jesus if his name was plastered in lights for the world to see and he operated like many people in ministry now, asking for money to give a word or heal the sick? Would Jesus still have the same credibility and respect in the eyes of men. If Jesus told us to follow him then wouldn't many of us be disobedient because of the boastfulness and ego of our mindsets along with our actions.
Understand this its not hard for a demon to recognize you (so don't think for a second the anointing keeps you spot free lol) This Woman of God has been notorious for teaching on the Jezebel Spirit, she know how it walk, talk, eat and breathe, however what I can't seem to understand is why hasn't she got delivered yet? Many of us understand the concept of demonic transference, some us can't wrap our minds around it  but it doesn't change the fact of how real it is. Although we may see the innocence of an individual whether it was before they had a demon or while one inhabited their body. You have to remember when a person has yielded their body over to the enemy for selfish gain because of revenge or pain you can't trust their motives on anything. The whole goal of that demon is to multiply. Demons purpose is to create chaos among humans because their time on earth is getting shorter as the days past by. Its a shame that many don't realize that although the devil comes after the weak his desire is to seek those with influence because he can make a bigger impact. Why would he chose a leader with 10 members when he can use someone who has influence over millions. This blog is for awareness. Someone may have had it altogether but one instance of pain that has never been dealt can cause what was once pure to become dead. Never forget when a plant is completely dead it can't be revived, you have to pitch it and start over. That doesn't mean the seed was bad it means it wasn't cared after properly. Instead of people seeing the dead leaves and plucking them off they ignored it. Instead of people seeing the soil dry they ignored it. No matter how much it leaned and how many leaves fell no one did anything about it. We as Christians lets put an end to it. Women of God although many of us have lacked in the department when it comes to having a real mother their for us, you can't be so quick to calling someone momma. When you create that tie with an individual you then associate yourself in the spirit with similar characteristics. Let's break this down. My Natural Mother had an anger problem, growing up I had an anger problem, and in my child I notice an anger problem trying to formulate. This is all due to the connection. If your spiritual mother has a spirit of Witchcraft/Jezebel Spirit, as pure as you may be that spirit will latch itself onto you, and as you receive spiritual children it was pass on down. In order to stop this spiritual generational curse you have to put an end to it, first by using discernment,  then by rebuking the demon, praying for the individual, and teaching. The only way we can save our generation from falling into what has happened for years with the demonic influence we have to stop whats already alive by killing it at the root. Ladies we have to do better when it comes to dealing with emotions especially on things that have been traumatic in our lives. If you know your not ready to lead quit trying. Although it may be painful you have to deal with it and Forgive whoever it is. You only get One life to live so do it with the right motives and the Love of God.

Lets push God's Love to everyone. We know his Love always prevails it never fails.
