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July 11, 2011

Take off your Training Bra

Fear is the number one cause of why people never make it into their "Promised" Land. Often times we spend numerous of hours, days, and years praying, fasting, worshipping, and trusting that God will move in our lives. However, when God gives us our instructions we become hesisitant. What is the cause of this? I myself have been in this situation numerous of times. I remember when I first got saved, I was still "straddling the fence." Sex was the downfall of my flesh. I would read my word, fast, pray, but every time it came down to controlling my sexual habits I couldn't. But, I still wanted God to move on my behalf in my life. I wanted God to bless my finances, push me closer to him, but I wasn't willing to give up what I found security in. One day while talking to God he told me I was a Wayward Woman. In Lamen's terms Wayward signified a Hoe. (For you bible scholars a Whoremonger) To have my daddy the one who I loved so dearly to say this to me was a slap in the face. I knew then that the thoughts of me to him was not pleasing in his eye sight. It wasnt that I didnt know fornication was wrong, because I had done it so much it became a part of me. Sometimes when we get complacent in our spirit towards habits we can't see how it is wrong. God also reminded me that Sin is a direct cut off from him. All that time that I spent "fasting" "praying" "worshipping" and "loving" on God was in vain. Often times we think because we feel that we love God that every prayer or act of gratification to him is received. WRONG.
It was hard to let go of my sinful behavior but it wasn't impossible. I sat down and I expressed to God that I needed his help. (Thats all God wants to hear: Help me) He started showing the roots of why I did those things, I didnt go "Cold Turkey" over night but alot of factors went into my process going by quickly. Marriage. God shared with me, how can I bless you with a husband if your flesh is rotted. Marriage is Pure. I even went so far as to think that the man I was engaging in a sexual relationship with was my husband. Sadly, God told me that he may have sent him as my husband but the first time we entered into sin it tainted the relationship. If you are currently in a relationship, unless God comes to you and says you can marry someone who you have already crossed that Line with, then it aint happening.
Whatever it is that may be blocking you from receiving and walking into your divine purpose its time to start working on getting rid of it. Remember it may be hard but nothing is impossible. "Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy," Jude 1:24
It's time to take off your Training Bra.

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