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September 1, 2011

Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but your Words will never Hurt Me!

Last night before bed God instructed me to Read about King Hezekiah. Those 4 Chapters in 2 Kings not only gave me a slew of Sermons to preach, but Empowered me as a Christian.

Hezekiah reminds me so much of  us as Christians. In the Story of Hezekiah, there was a King who bullied him and he antagonized him just to instill fear in his spirit. Doesn't that sound like the devil always bullying people using there past, or current situation to pose a hindrance in their spirit. The King reminded Hezekiah of all the disaster and destruction he did to the surrounding cities, and that he will be doing the same to him. Being that Hezekiah had a relationship with God one can rightfully assume that he knew that God would take care of him, but lacked in believing. The devil will tell you that a bill is due in 3 days, then remind you that you don't have any money in your bank to pay it, then he'll remind you of that one time you asked God for something and you didn't get it causing you to doubt that God will answer your prayers...IT'S JUST WORDS. Understand that words are like seeds, in every seed there is a plant but before a plant can spring forth the seed has to be planted. When you entertain the words of someone NEGATIVE you allow those seeds to become rooted inside your spirit. Think of it like this Our Faith and Belief in God is like a room full of wood, wood is sturdy it can't be moved and its hard to break. One termite over time can destroy all of the wood in the room. Don't let negative words and thoughts hurt you, instead use them as stepping stones over the Mountains that are placed before you. Don't be like Moses and strike the rock with the Rod when God says Speak to your situation. Moses didn't make it into his promise Land because of the Ignorance of his Mind and Flesh.  Don't put false belief and hope into things or people. It is important in this day and age to establish relationship with God. Your Pastor may be anointed and appointed to be the Shepard over your soul but he won't be standing alongside of you on Judgement day. Know God for yourself. Stop going off the testimony of your mom being healed, or your brother being set free from sin, know God for yourself.

I encourage you all to believe in the promises hidden inside the Stones in your Life, speak the Word of God and watch the blessings flow out. -Prophetess KG

"Faith is the Substance of things hoped for the evidence of things unseen." Hebrews 11:1

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