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November 28, 2011

Why hasn't God answered my Prayers?

So its been awhile since I have blogged as I step into this new season of insight and prophetic understanding I pray that my words are received in Wisdom and in Love.

FAITH-belief that is not based on proof:

TRUST-confident expectation of something; hope.

There are so many things that we as God's people have experienced and through the duration of this blog I have covered almost every possible aspect of Man's view of the church, down to the sin that so easily beset us as Christians. However the word that has been so sound in my spirit has been Trust. Last night I had the privilege to teach on Trust to 2 of my spiritual children. Everyone knows that Trust means to depend on or believe in. But like Faith without Trust it is impossible to please God. It is also impossible to have one without the other. I know in my earlier walk with Christ I wondered why it seemed as if I had faith that God could rip the ceiling open he would give me one of those Moses visitations (lol but it never happened) Oftentimes when I had bills due or lacked in a need in my life, out of my mouth I would declare FAITH but it seemed as if that very thing I had FAITH in never worked on my behalf. Why is that? Everyone whom I shared my desires with have said, "Girl all you need is FAITH the size of a Mustard Seed and God'll do it but noone ever told me I had to TRUST as well. TRUST had been a touchy subject for me for years. But TRUST was the key to receiving those things that I had FAITH in. You can have FAITH that good will happen but if you don't TRUST in the one who you place FAITH in it will never happen. Did you know The factor of TRUST will eliminate Doubt? Doubt only comes when the thing you asked God for didnt come to pass as fast as you desire. If you Trusted in God believing no matter when it will happen, it shall happen, that makes a difference in your Endurance of Faith.

The Cause and Effect

Faith is the Plant, Trust is the Water. The Greater the Faith the Bigger the Seed, The Greater the Trust the Faster the Growth. Remember Faith is the substance of things hoped for (Hebrews 11:1) and Trust is the Expectation of Confidence in the thing you are believing God for. Where does your weakness lie, is it the fact of believing something you can't see or is it remaining steadfast to the thing you have FAITH in? When you find where your lacking, a simple prayer of help will get you on the right path.

A Prayer of Faith

Heavenly Father I acknowledge that I have been weak in Faith but I acknowledge as you said in your word that All things work together for my good, I also realize that without Faith it is impossible to please you. I ask on this day that you strengthen me and instill in me a burning desire of belief that you will do what you have promised as long as I believe. I ask that you help me when Doubt enters my spirit and I denounce anything that is not like you that may be hindering me. I declare Victory in your son Jesus name. I thank you for your gift of Faith and the Victory I have declared through this prayer In Jesus Name. Amen.

A Prayer of Trust

Heavenly Father first giving honor to you in Humility and Meekness I ask for your help on Trust today. Lord I realize that I have not placed my total Trust in you but I am asking for your help. Teach me how to Trust in you and to forgive those who have hurt me in my past. I acknowledge that all things are possible to those who believe. Show me the error of my ways and show me what I am holding on to that is hindering me from moving forward. Lord I believe in what you said when you spoke if we desire it then we shall have it. Thank you for granting me Trust today in Jesus Name. Amen.

I pray you were blessed today and that you can apply this information in any aspect of your life.


November 14, 2011

The Wicked Witch of the South

God has been dealing with me about this for sometime, I am tired of these Women in ministry hiding behind their husbands operating in Divination. I had a woman reach out to me a while ago basically telling on her self. Like any person who comes into my life I went to God in prayer and asked him about this woman, well....he revealed to me that she was a Witch. It didn't come as a surprise to me she looked and acted like one. The more I try to wrap my mind around why is their so many Jezebels the more frustrated I get. The more I try to wrap my mind around the fact that no one is stepping up to the plate as far as calling these women out, and teaching them how to act as a wife, lady of the church, and a mother. Now on to what this blog is about.

About 4 months ago God placed a woman in my spirit whom I looked up to for years, she had a great influence on Women and Men when it came to deliverance and the spirit realm. However, because I looked up to her so much it was hard for me to see who she really was because of the blinders.
How do you think it would have been for Jesus if his name was plastered in lights for the world to see and he operated like many people in ministry now, asking for money to give a word or heal the sick? Would Jesus still have the same credibility and respect in the eyes of men. If Jesus told us to follow him then wouldn't many of us be disobedient because of the boastfulness and ego of our mindsets along with our actions.
Understand this its not hard for a demon to recognize you (so don't think for a second the anointing keeps you spot free lol) This Woman of God has been notorious for teaching on the Jezebel Spirit, she know how it walk, talk, eat and breathe, however what I can't seem to understand is why hasn't she got delivered yet? Many of us understand the concept of demonic transference, some us can't wrap our minds around it  but it doesn't change the fact of how real it is. Although we may see the innocence of an individual whether it was before they had a demon or while one inhabited their body. You have to remember when a person has yielded their body over to the enemy for selfish gain because of revenge or pain you can't trust their motives on anything. The whole goal of that demon is to multiply. Demons purpose is to create chaos among humans because their time on earth is getting shorter as the days past by. Its a shame that many don't realize that although the devil comes after the weak his desire is to seek those with influence because he can make a bigger impact. Why would he chose a leader with 10 members when he can use someone who has influence over millions. This blog is for awareness. Someone may have had it altogether but one instance of pain that has never been dealt can cause what was once pure to become dead. Never forget when a plant is completely dead it can't be revived, you have to pitch it and start over. That doesn't mean the seed was bad it means it wasn't cared after properly. Instead of people seeing the dead leaves and plucking them off they ignored it. Instead of people seeing the soil dry they ignored it. No matter how much it leaned and how many leaves fell no one did anything about it. We as Christians lets put an end to it. Women of God although many of us have lacked in the department when it comes to having a real mother their for us, you can't be so quick to calling someone momma. When you create that tie with an individual you then associate yourself in the spirit with similar characteristics. Let's break this down. My Natural Mother had an anger problem, growing up I had an anger problem, and in my child I notice an anger problem trying to formulate. This is all due to the connection. If your spiritual mother has a spirit of Witchcraft/Jezebel Spirit, as pure as you may be that spirit will latch itself onto you, and as you receive spiritual children it was pass on down. In order to stop this spiritual generational curse you have to put an end to it, first by using discernment,  then by rebuking the demon, praying for the individual, and teaching. The only way we can save our generation from falling into what has happened for years with the demonic influence we have to stop whats already alive by killing it at the root. Ladies we have to do better when it comes to dealing with emotions especially on things that have been traumatic in our lives. If you know your not ready to lead quit trying. Although it may be painful you have to deal with it and Forgive whoever it is. You only get One life to live so do it with the right motives and the Love of God.

Lets push God's Love to everyone. We know his Love always prevails it never fails.


October 29, 2011

So you think you can dance??

This has nothing to do with the TV Show but everything to do with the ones who portray their "deliverance" through dance. This isn't meant to step on your toes or make you feel Judged but the foolishness has gone on too long!

 "And David danced before the LORD with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod." 2 Samuel 6:14

David Danced because of the Glory!

"And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances." Exodus 15:20

She Danced for Praise!

Dancing has gone from its real genuineness and authenticity to offer up Praise to God to dancing for a show, competition, and getting a spouse. This doesn't make any sense. It's time for the people of God to move forward in the  true spirit of the Living God.

October 28, 2011

Cain vs Obama: The Throw Down!

Here's the thing, Ministry is who I am, but Politics have been on my mind lately. It was brought to my attention last week during the Republican debate how ignorant people are. Herman Cain is a Black Republican whose aspirations is to win the Republican vote and beat President Obama. In my opinion he's delusional. Although back in the day African Americans used to be the largest race when it came to the Republican party, times have changed. Although African American's as we know it are free, the mindset of America is still stuck in Slave days. (Am I a racist? No, some of my closest friends are white) When Obama came into office he suffered alot of persecution from his fellow political associates.

This is a photo that a senior GOP photoshop during the time everyone questioned where he was born.

Don't get it twisted, I'm not saying that African American's can't win anything, but let's be realistic at the world we live in. Herman Cain your darker than Obama and you look hardly "legal" to live in the United States of America. When it comes down to humor and wit Cain got it but that's as far as that needs to go. Obama uses Wisdom when dealing with Ignorance, Cain uses Wit and Conformity to fit in. Cain wants to go toe to toe with Obama because he think he can do it better. Instead of letting Ego, Fame, and Foolishness to  promote yourself live up to the standard that Dr. King gave which is sense. If it wasn't for King a lot of us would not be able to do the things we do, church would be hidden, and our children would be messed up worse than what they are. It's by God's grace that we lived to see a black president, know your limits, and your purpose for this life.

On a side note Obama got my vote for 2012 he has done so much and held true to his word.

October 25, 2011

Donate your Statuses Today!!

Today until 12 am October 26th 2011 I am asking everyone to help with this movement to raise awareness against abuse, For Facebook :Change your statuses right now to ‘HELP Women Who Fight Foundation @, and encourage everyone to do the same!
  • Every 9 seconds, a woman is battered in the U.S.
    Family Violence Prevention Fund, 1994.
  • 95% of all victims of domestic violence are women.
    Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report, U.S. Dept. of Justice.
  • Domestic Violence is the single major cause of injury to women, more than muggings and car accidents combined.
    First Comprehensive National Health Study of American Women, The Commonwealth Fund, 1993.
  • Domestic Violence is the cause of 30% of physical disabilities in women.
    California Department of Social Services, 1994.
  • 50% of all women murdered in the United States are killed by a spouse or an acquaintance.
    Journal of Trauma, 1992
  • Domestic Violence occurs in 60% of marriages and is the most underreported crime.
    National Crime Statistics Report, 1993.
  • 90% of battered women reported that their children were present when they were beaten.
    National Crime Statistics Report, 1993.
  • 25% to 30% of adolescent relationships are abusive.
    L.A. Commission on Assaults Against Women
  • 1/2 of all rape victims are raped between the ages of 14 and 17.
    L.A. Commission on Assaults Against Women
  • As few as 5% of domestic violence victims are identified as such in Emergency Department records.
    American Journal of Public Health, 1989.
  • Domestic Violence costs an estimated $1.4 billion annually in medical bills, and an additional $900 million in mental health treatment.
    National Public Services Research Institute, 1994.
  • Domestic Violence is responsible for a $3 to 5 billion loss each year for employers due to absenteeism.
    California Department of Social Services

October 22, 2011

Celeb Status! Pastor can I have your Autograph?

I saw a tweet by a Bishop today that said, "Just because a Pastor speaks to you on a Social Networking site does not mean your friends or you can be common," now the friends part I understand people do tend to try and be too friendly, then they go around and claim you as their bestie. What made the statement wrong is when he said "you can be common." Because I know the Pastor who said this is cocky, it's nothing new to expect. But when dealing with those who aren't on your level, like Sinners or those who weren't raised in the church that sends a red flag. I have found that many leaders when they reach a certain status raise up their noses and act as if you can't touch them or breathe on them. What sets you different as a Child of God from Society is the characteristics of Jesus. They are as follow:

22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23

The gift that you oversee does not belong to you at all, it's creator saw fit that you operated out of it. If fame was something you was seeking you should have became a rapper, a video dancer, actor/actress. Ministry is not Hollywood, the Holy ghost is not the director and God is not your Agent. Maybe that's too deep, but its real.

Love is your Foundation, remember God is Love.


October 21, 2011

Just a Thought.

It's sad. Today I put a post on FB raising awareness to an individual whom has operated out of divination and his emotions, praying God's mercy upon him and his ministry. Why is it that Man has such an issue when you address sin??? It's not what you say, but how you say it..I understand that. However, no one wants to be addressed in their sin. I rather take a stand for whats right then keep my mouth closed on what's wrong. If you allow the enemy to rob God's people because of Fear & Emotions you are just as bad as the robber. If there was more Selflessness than Selfishness we would be more productive in the advancement for the Kingdom. Not that anyone is less important or more important but if the same 100 people have been in your church for the past 10 years and their hasn't been any new people except on Sundays we have a problem. Ministry is personal, it's taking ONE VISION and sharing it with others. The same vision whether your Methodist, Apostolic, Adventist, Baptist, to save those who are Lost by sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. If every time you feel convicted when someone posts a status about Lying, Fornication, Homosexuality, Gossip/Backbiting stop sitting there getting stung, while lashing out in your emotions: do something about it. To Obtain Victory over your Flesh, you have to WANT IT. A devil can't do nothing with a Made up Mind, its those who are wish washy whom he attacks with their past life of sin. If the enemy sees that you won't be moved by temptation he will move on, looking for something else to attack you with. Be rooted in your word while, TRUSTING IN THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND LEANING NOT TO YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING, IN ALL YOUR WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE HIM AND HE SHALL DIRECT YOUR PATHS.

If you suffer opposition no matter what keep moving forward, remembering what our Savior went through. We've come too far to give up NOW!


Belief and It's Power!

Faith = Power

The bible declares that Faith is the Substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen, Hebrews 11:1

But how does this affect your everyday life?

As a Christian we know we can't do nothing but by God's power and might, 2 weeks ago I was placed in a situation where my Faith was tested. I had let Worry, Doubt, and Depression to enter into my heart. I felt as if the prayers I was praying weren't being heard because I didn't see God moving when I wanted him too in my life. God reminded me that when you ask me for something through faith you have to believe that it is done, the moment you allow Doubt to enter into your Mind you abort the move of God in your life. You would think that as many times as God has moved on my behalf I would never entertain the thought, that he couldn't hear me. This is why it's important not to allow your heart to speak for you, as I've said once before your heart is the direct line to your Emotions. Emotions aren't always good.

During my moment of Despair and hopelessness I threw up my hands and asked God to take all of this burden and worry away, and in that very moment it was gone. The thing I had believed God for actually came to pass right on time, the very next day. I felt so foolish but I didn't let that hinder me, I took it as a lesson learned, and a  step towards moving forward. When God places you in a place where you can't depend on no one but him it's a scary thing, but if you remind yourself that God will always be in control then you will be okay.

God always promises I will never leave you nor forsake you.

October 20, 2011

A Killer's Mindset

Last night I had a dream I was in the hood of a city where it was alot of gang violence, everywhere I turned people were getting shot up and blown up. I had never saw so much blood. There was a police officer who was over all of this mayhem, he had his fellow officers were going into the homes of the people blowing their brains, and killing their family. I was trapped amongst this village of people but God provided a way of escape, when I got out of the neighborhood I didnt know where to go but towards the hospital. On the way there I ran into 2 young teenage girls, but in my spirit I knew one of the girls was the Police Officer granddaughter so I grabbed her and we walked towards the hospital together. I told her if she thought about screaming I was going to get her so she kept quiet. When we got to the hospital to my surprise my older sister was there clothed in scrubs she asked me what happened because I had looked all rough and dirty. I told her about the massacre that was taking place now in the hood,. and how the Police Unit had a plan later on that evening to trick alot of the men to go into a abandoned warehouse to retrieve 398 million dollars, once they got in their he was going to BLOW THEM ALL UP. My sister couldn't believe what she was hearing, she asked me what was the motive behind him doing it, and I informed her before I got out of there I overheard the Officer say that he thinks one of the people in the neighborhood stole his jewelry and he wanted it back. The granddaughter froze and had a look upon her face that symbolized a deer. Next thing you know a doctor comes out of a patients room with a cup full of medicine that had some type of acid in it and placed it on the counter, before we knew it the little girl grabbed the cup and drunk it. She attempted to kill herself but it didnt work, all the medicine did was make her slightly mentally retarded, of course the doctors had to notify her guardians who happened to be her grandparents. I asked her why she did it and she pulled a black velvet bag out of her purse, it was the jewelry that her grandfather had been looking for. She overheard the story I was telling my sister and she then realized because she had stolen her grandfathers jewelery thousands of innocent people, children died. The grandfather had a similar look of solemness on his face because he then realized that he had killed all those people because of a false accusation. He judged them because of where they lived and the color of their skin. This was a very powerful dream I must say and it seemed so real...However God was showing me how so many people falsely accuse others which creates more damage than good. Everyone in this world has judged a person off of their looks, many of us have missed out on blessings, lifetime friendships, etc. Don't jump the gun on a situation, circumstance or problem wait to hear from God. To those who deal with revengeful minds and hearts its not worth it, many of you have tried to take on the role of the Holyghost by trying to make others feel convicted, guilty or bad when they've done something you don't like. No sin goes unpunished many will reap what they have sown, and there is no easy way out. It's not good to always think with your heart (remember our heart is our direct line to our emotions) Godly wisdom is a must. There are many meanings you can get from this dream but at the end of the day the most important thing is Forgiveness and Repentance. Numbers 23:19 "God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?

October 19, 2011

Take it or Leave It

Be Encouraged Today!

Wherever there is goodness evil will always be present.  Wherever there is truth, lies will be told. There seems to be no winning in this crazy world. If you are a true Prophet they will call you False. If you are a False Prophet many will call you Real. It's a shame. However, although it is easy to get our minds to recognize the negativity of this Life, God's Light should always reign supreme. Many of us Lack in having a totally sold out mindset for God. The word of God when distributed from the mouths of his chosen shouldn't create a debate. God never argued nor battled his word with anyone. You have to get to a place where you know no matter what if God said it, it will come to pass. Let your Bold stance for the Kingdom portray these 5 words, Take it or Leave it.

October 18, 2011

No Child Left Behind!! Turn your Ears this Way!

The saddest thing to find out is that the very person you put trust in never cared. So many Babes in Christ are birthed daily and not enough Shepard's, Teachers, Mothers, Mentors and Fathers. Death is the deciding factor for those who seek God for life. Like an un swaddled baby with no protection, like a naked baby in the snow, like a lost child in darkness, like a child with no shoes walking on ice, like a child with no direction home, describes all of God's Babes in this decade. Money has become the motivator, Anger has become the excuse, Pride has become the justification. Where is the Love? Where is the Passion? Many rather step on One to get to One Hundred. Everyone wants to Run but no-one wan'ts to crawl. Remember everyone wasn't born with Feet and they will have to crawl for the rest of their life, but their Life still holds purpose. Who will teach them? If everyone did surgery who would give the pain medicine, who would draw the blood? Everyone has heard from God in this day and age, but missed when he said to Love. Controversy is the attention getter. Trust in Man has replaced Faith. Being Deep with no meaning. Many have become beggars with Gold in their pockets. What about the Babes? Where are the Pastors? Where are the Teachers? Church has gone from Non-Profit to Profit with the Prophets leading the Reformation. So I guess the question for the books is? "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36

God Bless You

It's Time to Cut the Rope!

Many of us have heard the term Spiritual Soul Tie, but what does it really mean?? How does it affect you?? I pray that this touches your heart, mind, and soul while encouraging you to Cut those Ropes that Hinder and keep you Bound.

What is a Spiritual Soul Tie?
A spiritual soul tie is a connection in the spirit realm between two people. They can be created in many ways but the determining factor is words. In the beginning of time the world was created by the words of our Father: God. He spoke the words Light and there it was..etc.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." Proverbs 18:21

If you call someone your Sister, upon the meaning of what a Sister is that's what type of connection becomes established in the spirit realm. If you call someone a Father, upon the meaning of what a Father is that's the type of connection that takes place in the spirit...Get It??

How does this affect you?

If you don't understand the depth of the meaning of a word and the power behind the word it can create problems, for instance, I had lots of encounters last year when men would add me and call me Daughter on Facebook, I sought God and asked him what kind of spiritual attack this was and he said the enemy is using these men to create a submissive barrier and connection in my spirit with their spirit.

Let's Break this down

In the natural we all have mothers and fathers, and as children we are to submit to the Authority of our parents. In the spirit realm we have spiritual mothers and fathers, and as spiritual children we are to submit to the Authority of our Spiritual parents, however if you have 10 different Men/Women of God claiming you what do you think that's doing to your spirit?

Godly Soul Ties
-Are Spiritual Ties in the Realm of the Spirit that are presumely Holy and positive, also having an intention of doing Good in the Kingdom of God.

Such Soul Ties can be as a Pastor to a Member, Spiritual Mentor to a Child, Spiritual Brother to another Brother, bestfriend to a friend etc. (Elijah & Elisha, Moses & Aaron, Paul & Timothy, Paul & Silas)

UnGodly Soul Ties
-Are Spiritual Ties in the Realm of the Spirit that are Unholy, having the intent to destroy the person whom it's created with; through transference of demonic spirits/curses. UnGodly Soul Ties are also ties with an individual who do not share the same belief of Faith in God, and who lives a life full of sin.

Such UnGodly Soul Ties can be a lover out of wedlock, lying friends, those who gossip, those who live a life of Anger, Jealousy etc. (Aholah & Aholibah, Jezebel & Ahab, David & Bethsheba, Saul & David)

It is important to understand and know who has claimed you, and who you've claimed. 

Once you've realized how do you act on it?
Just as Easy as it is to establish a soul tie, it's easy to get rid of: PRAYER!

I encourage you to make a list and what makes your connection UnGodly whether its an old smoking partner, sex buddy, drinking, gossip etc then you pray this simple prayer. Always remember that you have to be willing to cut the soul tie and believe in the prayer as you say it.

Prayer of Disconnection

Dear Heavenly Father, I am coming to your throne asking for your help, I realize that I haven't done everything pleasing in your eyesight and I ask for your forgiveness. Heavenly Father I'm asking that the Soul tie I have with ________________ be broken, I denounce the connection of ______________ (whatever connection you have whether its lust, gossip etc) be severed in Jesus name, and I plead the blood of Jesus over myself. From this day forth I declare Victory over the Enemy through your Power and Strength. I give your name all Glory, Honor, and Praise in Jesus Name! Amen.

After you pray this prayer for every soul tie that you know is not good for you, believe and move forward. Use self discipline, even when you become tempted to call them or answer there calls remind yourself of whats important, which is being pleasing to God. Once you have obtained the strength to not fall into diverse temptations then you can communicate with he/she again, by then they probably will be gone. Don't get discouraged because God is a Redeemer and Restorer. 

Once You Obtain Victory keep walking forward.

God Bless you

October 8, 2011

Your the MASTER, and I'm the SLAVE

Slavery in the natural ended  12 decades ago. However it still exists in the Spirit Realm. When you succumb to your emotions you belittle your position as a Child of God. The Church is Losing her Stance in the world, it has gone from a place of protection and strength, to weak and vulnerable. Sin has become it's Master and the follower it's Slave. In the Spirit when Jesus was crucified and resurrected that did away with the Master-Slave Relationship. We had become the Slave Masters to our Savior. How long will you (we) as people continue to Bend over to be Butt Rape by the Enemy?? It's time to Stand. There is a Shifting and a Greater Expectation placed before Man in the Eyes of God. Will you rise to the Assignment.

 No more Lying to each other, "But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil. " Matthew 5:37

No more deception "7Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." Galatians 6: 7

And the List goes on, check your walk every single day, and know that perfection in the Spirit can be achieved. Jude 1:24 proves that. When no one encourages you to go own, encourage yourself.

After you've done all you can, Stand anyhow!

Prophetess Greene
Daughters of Esther International

September 29, 2011

Coffee with No Sugar

Coffee with No Sugar, 1 Corinthians 2:14-16

Be Blessed

Prophetess Greene

September 27, 2011

Women Who Fight

These Blogs are apart of my Ministry Daughters of Esther in correlation with the Women Who Fight Foundation. I am asking for your support in this endeavor to raise money for the Ministry and the Foundation. This is the Website to donate.

Give whatever God lays on your heart to help support the Vision. You can learn more information about the Foundation, by Visiting us online at This is a Great Cause and a God Given Vision with a Purpose. You will be able to track what we do with your Donation with a Newsletter that will be published every month. Our Goal is to raise $10,000 by the end of this year, we believe all things are possible through Christ. We also are asking for your support on our Fundraiser, we realize that not everyone feels comfortable donating monetarily, but we have a Candle Fundraiser going on until November 30th, these are Double Wick Candles, Soy based, with over 90 scents. We are asking everyone who is able to purchase at least One candle and spread the Word. Thanks for your continually Support. To Purchase a Candle Today!!!!

September 22, 2011

Verdict: Not Guilty

"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful." Psalm 1:1

Before the Execution of Troy Davis, God gave me this Blog to write, but I wasn't released to write it until after his Execution.

Oftentimes we get into situations where we feel as if we are being targeted by the devil when their are notable consequences that causes bad things to happen in our life. Being Wrongfully accused isn't a great feeling, but at ONE point of all of our lives we will experience it, whether it be on the job, at church, among family, or friends. When Man convicts you and tells you that your are GUILTY, the words of our Father should stand and stick out boldly in your spirit. Psalm 1:1 is the declaration to God's Children, you will be found without fault by God as long as you are seperate from the World. Although, our brother died in his Innocence, he gained Victory in Christ. When Jesus Christ was sentenced to death on the Cross and they spit at him, spoke blasphemies, beat him, and falsely accused him he kept his mouth close. His focus wasn't on what was being said, he knew who he was. Jesus decrees in the word of God that as Children of God we are to take up our cross and walk daily, we all know if Jesus went through it we are not exempt. Don't get angry at what happened, never lose sight and focus that everything works and happens according to the Will of God. Although, you couldn't see it or feel it a shift has taken place, When Jesus was being persecuted everyone's attention was on this crucifixion and the World felt it. After he passed the Revival took place. During Troy Davis few days left on the Earth, everyone's attention was on his Execution, but he had the support of SO MANY, (including the Pope) an Innocence Man had to die to gain the attention of many. It's time for the Revival, put aside all the foolishness, anger, bitterness, and let's go REAP!!

Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest. Luke 10:2

God Bless you Troy Davis & Family

A Humble Servant of God
Prophetess K. Greene

September 20, 2011

Check your UMBILICAL CORD!!!

I pray this helps those who don't understand the Importance of the Life Line to their Purpose!!

There are many components to a pregnancy, last week I asked the question, "Why does it seem like the same person who was prophesied to in 1962  still pregnant with their purpose and its 2011?"

The Umbilical a.k.a. The Cord of Life
 It is the life line between mother and child. In a Natural Pregnancy the Cord doesn't form until the 5th week of pregnancy, and we all know in the Spirit 5 means God's Grace, God is revealing that its only by his Grace that we as humans are able to carry his children (whether it be spiritual or natural) The connection of the Umbilical Cord starts in the abdomen of the baby which connects to the abdomen of the Mother. In correlation to a Spiritual Pregnancy, The Holy Spirit lies in your belly, with a direct connection to the baby God has impregnated you with.

Feeding your Purpose
Is your baby eating good food??

 When it comes down to feeding your baby, If you eat a bowl of Spaghetti in a natural pregnancy the baby wont be eating noodles and sauce as you swallow it lol, However, the placenta (the bag in which your baby lives in) In the Spirit that symbolizes the Holy Spirit. The food is first digested by the mother and only the nutrients from the food is channeled through the blood, then pushed into the Umbilical Cord. Just like us when we feed our baby whether its in Church or the Word, our Spirit filters what applies to us in our birthing season.  Many of us have starved our baby, (some are carrying more than one) don't think because a baby is inside you that over time it will be healthy w/ out feeding it!  In the Natural and Spirit many women carry their babies for the full 9 months and because of lack of nourishment their babies come out underdeveloped, under weight, lungs not working right, etc causing the baby to be placed inside an incubator for a season, because of its lack to thrive in a regular environment.

Check your Pregnancy List:

1.)Have you been carrying a baby for 20 years and no longer feel its Kick??? Chances are it's Still born.

2.)Have you been carrying your baby for the full gestational period in the Spirit, but lacked in feeding it?? Consequently it has to stay in an Incubator until it develops therefore delaying your assignment and purpose.

3.)Are you currently pregnant but never go to the doctor for Check-ups??

4.) Do you communicate with the Father?? After all you didn't get pregnant by yourself.

 5.)Who is your Midwife is she Trustworthy?

6.)Have you overfed your baby?? Too much food (knowledge) can do more damage than good. Not everything has a SUPER EXTRA SENSATIONAL DEEP MEANING WHEN IT COMES TO THE PURPOSE GOD HAS INSIDE YOU, QUIT TRYING TO FIGURE IT OUT, AND GO WITH THE FLOW.

Always Remember Labor doesn't take place until the Child is ready to come out, I don't care how much you speak in tongues, jump up and down, Run, Scream and Shout.

Lastly, are you currently medicating those STD's (Spiritually Transmitted Demons) that you acquired? Just like Women in the natural acquire Type 2 Herpes, if the baby is passed through the Birth Canal it can cause the Child to become tainted with the Disease. Just like a Woman who carries the AID's (abominable invasion of demons) Virus there is a 50/50 Chance that the baby can be affected. We as Christians, Visionaries, and Purpose Carriers can't allow the ignorance of others, lack of understanding, pride, anger, selfishness, SIN...SIN..SIN... to ABORT, DELAY, DISTORT, and DESTROY what God has for YOU to do!!!!!!

We are all Glory Carriers!

Prophetess Kourtney Greene & The Holy Spirit


We are currently asking for help with our Fundraising Endeavor!! "Birthing Your Purpose 2012" is hitting Nashville, TN!!! It will be an Empowering, Dynamic, Birthing Conference and we are selling candles to raise the money!! visit, and purchase 1 Candle to Support! We also are accepting Donations!!!!

September 1, 2011

Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but your Words will never Hurt Me!

Last night before bed God instructed me to Read about King Hezekiah. Those 4 Chapters in 2 Kings not only gave me a slew of Sermons to preach, but Empowered me as a Christian.

Hezekiah reminds me so much of  us as Christians. In the Story of Hezekiah, there was a King who bullied him and he antagonized him just to instill fear in his spirit. Doesn't that sound like the devil always bullying people using there past, or current situation to pose a hindrance in their spirit. The King reminded Hezekiah of all the disaster and destruction he did to the surrounding cities, and that he will be doing the same to him. Being that Hezekiah had a relationship with God one can rightfully assume that he knew that God would take care of him, but lacked in believing. The devil will tell you that a bill is due in 3 days, then remind you that you don't have any money in your bank to pay it, then he'll remind you of that one time you asked God for something and you didn't get it causing you to doubt that God will answer your prayers...IT'S JUST WORDS. Understand that words are like seeds, in every seed there is a plant but before a plant can spring forth the seed has to be planted. When you entertain the words of someone NEGATIVE you allow those seeds to become rooted inside your spirit. Think of it like this Our Faith and Belief in God is like a room full of wood, wood is sturdy it can't be moved and its hard to break. One termite over time can destroy all of the wood in the room. Don't let negative words and thoughts hurt you, instead use them as stepping stones over the Mountains that are placed before you. Don't be like Moses and strike the rock with the Rod when God says Speak to your situation. Moses didn't make it into his promise Land because of the Ignorance of his Mind and Flesh.  Don't put false belief and hope into things or people. It is important in this day and age to establish relationship with God. Your Pastor may be anointed and appointed to be the Shepard over your soul but he won't be standing alongside of you on Judgement day. Know God for yourself. Stop going off the testimony of your mom being healed, or your brother being set free from sin, know God for yourself.

I encourage you all to believe in the promises hidden inside the Stones in your Life, speak the Word of God and watch the blessings flow out. -Prophetess KG

"Faith is the Substance of things hoped for the evidence of things unseen." Hebrews 11:1

August 26, 2011

Desperate ChurchWives of Ministry

This Blog has been pressing in my Spirit for awhile. I believe this is something that goes unaddressed and it does more damage than good in ministry among women.

I have had the pleasure to meet a lot of Pastor Wives and Girlfriends in Ministry. There are a lot of young couples sharing the faith and striving to be productive for the Kingdom but they lack maturity. Ladies you gotta do better. Majority of you serve as Intercessors, Prophetesses, Evangelists, and Apostles along side our spouses, but some how forgotten your purpose when it comes to dealing with other women. Since no one wants to address it I feel led, not every woman who reaches out to your spouse desires him. So many times as women we feel as if were operating out of the Spirit of God using discernment but really its Emotions. Although you may not think it poses a hindrance to your spouse ministry it does. Remind yourself if God put you together can't no man put it asunder. When dealing with spirits whether it be Lust, Witchcraft, Anger, Jealousy they have no GENDER.  As a Woman of God you have to walk more in the Spirit of God and not the Spirit of Self. Whether you want to admit it or not you know it ain't right. Stop complaining and nagging, you are the Mother to the Ministry and every soul that your husband covers. If you feel rebellious, angry, and frustrated while reading this, there is a spirit trying to take root named Jezebel so rebuke it and be set free. Operate more out of Love in actions, and in words when dealing with your spouse. Surround yourself around other Women of God that will support you and push you. Not everything needs to be said when something is revealed to you, sometimes you just have to get quiet and pray. I am not saying don't express yourself in strong rebuke to those who you know openly attack your husband (don't get it twisted if the devil tried to act a donkey towards my husband, I will hit him with a right and left, and have no problem telling the devil to sit down and shut up in Jesus name) In doing so remember you have to always be supportive, its not his fault he has been anointed and appointed to do the work of the Lord.  Trust in your Man of God. He is your Strength and you are his, if you are weak in spirit that can affect him. Be strong and of Good Courage, Be Meek and Forgiving, Do not give the devil Authority over your mind and Emotions, stay prayed up, Keep your Husband covered, and KEEP IT MOVING!


Lord I thank you for the call to Ministry you have given my husband and I. I ask that you always guide me in Wisdom, when it comes to the Matters of my Flesh, Teach me how to operate in your Love and not my Emotions. Father forgive me If I have said things that were not pleasing to you, I understand to much is given much is required. On this day I put all trust in you and my husband to make the right decisions when doing your Will in our lives. I rebuke the Spirit of Jezebel from trying to take root in my Mind and Emotions I declare myself triumphant and free in Jesus Name, Amen.

I pray this helps someone its time to restore Love and Order back into the church and Ministry. If your unhappy remember you said Yes and I do to your Husband and all that came along with him such as the Ministry.  Learn what it takes to be a Wife and the Office. You are Victorious!

August 23, 2011

Sexually Transmitted Demons

We've all heard the term Spiritually Transmitted Demons, in the natural Sexually Transmitted Diseases, what do you get when you mix the two together? Sexually Transmitted Demons. Where does it Stem from and what does it really mean? We all know God is a healer, and we know by Faith all things are possible to those who believe in God. God told us whatsoever things we desire when we pray, believe that we receive them. This doesn't just apply to receiving blessings, this goes for those things that so easily beset us from moving into the place God has for us such as SEXUAL SIN.

 I have ran into some who have acquired STD's while living for Christ. Some of the diseases are seen in the open others are covered up by clothing. 

Any of several viral diseases causing the eruption of small blisterlike vesicles on the skin or mucous membranes, especially herpes simplex.

Herpes in the Body is a Manifestation of a Demon. In my life time I've met quite a few people who happened to have it on their mouths, God gave me a revelation concerning that, The power of Life and Death is in the Tongue, our Tongues are one of the most sacred parts of our body, Our Mouths are used for exposing if Sin Manifests it will be exposed.

 (a common venereal disease caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae; symptoms are painful urination and pain around the urethra

This STD is common it causes it to burn when you pee, Some sexual demons can be so rooted that when you try to release they remind you that their still there. The burning sensation is in regards to the pain many experience in their life.

bacterial vaginosis

Women with BV may have an abnormal vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. Some women report a strong fish-like odor, especially after intercourse. Discharge, if present, is usually white or gray; it can be thin. 
When dealing with Demonic forces, they are unseen to the natural eye, when talking about Bacteria we all know that it stems from dirt and filth. Discharging in the Spirit is the reaction to our Body when trying to repel something that does not belong. While in High School I met a young lady who would walk around and you could smell her down the hall. She was well known for being sexually active.
 Demons don't have a common courteousy for people, they don't care how people see you. As people who deal with flesh we don't never think of the consequences to situations, we are focused always on the NOW. I wrote this blog not to school you on STD's but to show you that its deeper than a flesh disease, demons come to take root in one's spirit. Sometimes a simple rebuke wont get rid of it. Jesus while teaching the disciples on casting out demons, there was a time when the Apostles went to cast a demon off of someone and they couldn't, and Jesus let them know, some things leave only by fasting and praying. I encourage you if it's your flesh that you struggle with look past the feeling of pleasure. Is 10 min of pleasure worth a Lifetime of Issues or Eternity in Hell? If you are a minister or leader in the church understand the enemy seeks for an opening, he will take you out if you let him. As a Child of God you have Authority over your flesh!
Support the Vision God has for your Life by living right, don't Abort the Vision.

August 10, 2011

Deliver Me!

 For the past few years God has always dealt with me concerning true deliverance. I have had many run ins with people who went to church, spirit was high, they shouted, rolled and crawled on the floor got up and still was dealing with the same thing they sought deliverance for. I have met those who go to church, go down to the alter for prayer go down dealing with one issue come up with many issues because the minister who laid hands on them transfered demons. I have met those who try to sow their pain away they believe if they sow there life savings the prayers that they pray will be answered and they'll be set free. Then there those who rely on the word from a Prophet but never get what they are seeking God for. What to do??

In 2008 when I was seeking God for deliverance I did all of those things except rolling on the floor and crawling. I began to get frustrated with myself, I thought somthing was seriously wrong with me. One night God woke me up and  began to deal with me with all the hell I sowed in my life. It seemed like I heard from God more at night than I did during the day. He told me if I were to confess all my wrong doings he could do something with me. It was painful reliving every moment and every situation, nevertheless God carried me through. After I confessed I apologized to everyone who I hurt, some received it others did not but God shared with me if they dont forgive you I wont forgive them. Next I went on a fast for 40 days, the choice of food wasnt the hard part the continuous showing me who I used to be was it, God had to completely uproot and resoil the foundation that was apart of the old me. One day while talking to God I felt an unction in my spirit to lay hands on myself :that was the beginning of a journey. I knew demons were real and they existed but I didnt know the full impact they had on people. To make a long story short I got delivered because of my Faith, I absolutely refused to let the devil have anymore foothold in my life. Some of it was scary, especially to have another voice speaking through you. It's just not normal and its down right embarassing but because I wanted to be set free I wouldnt give up. 

What does all this mean for me?

Because Church and People have become so tainted its hard to find those genuine spirited Men/Women of God to pray for you without risking getting sick, becoming possessed, or dying in the Spirit. God wanted me to remind his people that the same spirit in the bible that healed the sick, make the deaf hear, and raise the dead is inside of all of us who has received the gift of the Holyghost. The determining factor to all of this is FAITH. Don't wait on Sunday to get help, get help now! Man is not your deliverer, God is and God is inside of all of us!

Having Faith and Fighting no matter the Opposition with True Deep Confession and a Made up Mind = DELIVERANCE! Walk it out!

August 7, 2011

Hide and GO Seek

When you have excercised every Authority that God has given you to fight against the unseen forces, when you get drained and want to give up..its time to Hide and Go Seek.
You may think its just a regular ol kids game but its more spiritual if anything. For the past few months I have been in a battle. Warfare and a child of God is like Oil and Water it don't mix. In my physical man everything I have been going through in the spirit has been presented as sickness in the natural. Attacks like this is enough to make you want to throw in the towel and jump off a cliff however I stand.

What do most people do when there in FEAR?

They hide but when you hide in Fear you put your assignment in a state of stagnation. I actually started writing this a few weeks ago, but God wouldn't let me publish it. I had been going through warfare for the past few weeks, I was mad when I found out a Woman of God was sending demons to me in the spirit. Anyone who knows me knows that aint even cool with me, when I found out I wanted to snap! But now because I have been groomed and taught by the Lord I decided to do something different..hide and seek. When it comes to warfare the enemy presents it like its a game with one goal to take you out. Sometimes you can't react you gotta just be still. I dont care what your title is or the anointing on your still. Remember Jesus when the devil came to tempt him, we all know Jesus could have used his God given Authority to cast him to hell and never return but he just stood his ground. What do you do when someone sticks their finger in there nose and holds there finger 2 inches from your face, but you know if you move that booger has no choice but to get on you? STAND. As a Christian Life is not made to make you feel comfortable. No matter what the enemy presents to you, Stand but while doing so Seek God and Hide in his secret place. If you ever feel stressed and it seems like its getting hard, read Psalms 91 out loud.

Remember you cant do nothing in your own might but through Christ Jesus. 

August 5, 2011

Manslaughter: The Spirit of Imitation

There is a song that goes like this, anything you can do I can do better, I can do anything better than you. Thats not only a lie thats a demon. Have you ever shared something with someone and they turned around and produced the same visions completely identical to yours?? When I first joined ministry in 2007, God gave me a vision for how I would do my Womens Ministry, I was so eager and excited to share the vision with someone (at the time I thought all Church folks were Saints) The Woman who attends my old church here in Nashville TN, went home on Sunday and produced a brochure with the name of her Womens Ministry and my vision. She was bold to even ask me to look at her  brochure and that i could keep one. We all know thats a demon but everyone doesnt see it like that. Now before I found Jesus Kourtney would have beat the brakes off of her. But I took it as a lesson learned. I was careful of who I shared my vision with and ideas.

Aborting the Flow
 Last year I wrote a book it was published and everything, I shared it with a male Apostle, do you know a few months later he produced a book with the cover being similar, and the title was similar as well. What kind of crap is that. I told myself it doesnt matter because my book was out before his, know one will know, etc....God showed me how even tho it wasnt produced before mine the enemy was trying to hinder the fruit that comes with the vision. The devil is a lie.

I want everyone who has business, ministry, even lavish lifestyles to watch out for these people. Not everyone is meant to be apart of the vision God has given you, some people seek to get close to you so they can steal your ideas and produce an imitation of the vision. To those this has already happen too don't sweat it, God showed me also that if he didnt give it to them to do they will never achieve the full potential as God had designed for you. Don't let fear of failure hinder you from moving forward into your purpose, God is a God of Faith. As long as you believe in what you cant see it will come into existence. The devil can't take what you don't give, most importantly always use WISDOM!

August 4, 2011

Under the Bridge: Finding Refuge

Finding Refuge

During my walk with Christ I have experienced and seen a lot of things. When talking with fellow believers I have learned that they all pretty much experience some form of rejection or deal with similar issues. While riding in the car often times on the interstate we pass under bridges, before I never really paid it attention, but God began to open up my eyes to see what was actually under the bridge. I started noticing blankets and pillows but I wouldn't see anyone there. One morning on the way to work I saw people! There were groups of men and women sleeping directly under the bridge, days when its cold their there, even when it rains their there. What does this mean to me? God was showing me, these women and men no matter how many cars pass by, no matter the weather, they still find rest and safety under these bridges. Oftentimes in life we worry about what others will say, when circumstances get crazy in our life we sometimes forget who we find refuge in. It is an unfortunate thing that our fellow brothers and sisters are without homes, but a house doesn't mean nothing if you don't know how to live in it. God refers to his children as the Church, in this instance a Home. As a Christian you are to live your life according to word, remembering that your always being watched by others. No matter the size of the storm God will grant you peace, but you have to trust in him. We all have heard the phrase Get your House in order, that means keep it clean, daily purging and cleansing your self. Keep the order set with God being the head. Mow your grass (Daily worship God) Keep your Windows Clean (Daily seeking God for Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding) and enjoy Life, but don't get comfortable. Find Refuge and let God direct your path.

"He who dwells in the Secret Place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." Psalm 91:1

August 3, 2011

August 2, 2011

When the Ground Cries Out: The Significance of the EARTHQUAKE

When there is a drought and it rains the water is then absorbed into the Earth. Its like condensation, the water evaporates and it is put back into the clouds only for the rain to fall again back to the earth. To every thing there is a cycle and the cycle is never ending. When Jesus was on the cross with nails in his hands, feet, and a blood crown wrap around his head. Blood drained from his pours and hit the ground, which caused it to be absorbed by the Earth.

 The first time I heard of Earthquakes I was terrified, because usually when one hits a life is taken. The spiritual revelation I received from Earthquakes is the cycle of the blood. We know the Blood of Jesus provides, healing, restoration, peace, correction, love, etc. It only makes sense that the blood absorbed into the earth causes the ground to cry out from time to time. When the ground cries out there is usually Blood shed that causes those who die to go back into the ground. When a soul departs another one is born. Therefore continuing the cycle of Life.  Never forget the blood. Rejoice in Life knowing that our precious Savior paid a price for the sins of mankind. Instead of allowing Fear to immobilize you from walking into your destiny, let Fear PUSH you. You were designed for a purpose, trust in God and let your destiny be fulfilled.

Stop Wrestling with your Destiny.

July 29, 2011

The Boy who cried Wolf: Spiritual Death

In my past studies a word that often came up was Reprobate.

Reprobate- a person rejected by God and beyond hope of salvation.

When this is mentioned so many reject it, they always say things such as God is a loving God, he would never turn his back on his children. Guess what...this determination is on YOU. What would you do if someone slept with your spouse? In the flesh you might snap but you know as a Christian you have to forgive them, what if they did it again? Would you be so quick to forgive them and let it go? (No, but God said you are to forgive Man no matter what infinitely)  God is the same way, when you partake in sin its like cheating on God. If you continue to cheat on him, he will eventually turn deaf ears to your voice. 

The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf

In the child hood stories there is a story about a little boy who cried wolf, so many of us have been in sin and have made promises to God to change. Some it took longer than others but eventually it was achieved. Because of Grace and Mercy we are able to receive an extended helping hand. Before Grace and Mercy when you committed an act against God that was immediate termination. (DEATH)

Time is winding down on this Old World, God's patience is getting thin with foolishness. That's why daily I examine myself, but because of the relationship I have with God that doesn't take much work. If you LOVE God with all your heart, it would make it very hard for you to sin against him.
Where are the Chosen Ones? Where are the ones who stand for Holiness and Righteousness? Where the Ones who won't compromise for Fame or Fortune? 

If you battling with a Habit/Desire that is displeasing to God, keep it real and let God know that you need his help. Quit lying to cover up your sin. Anyone can be set free it all starts with a MADE UP Mind. If not the path you are walking down, no matter how hard you shout, scream, and speak in "tongues" it will be DEATH, just like LIFE w/ no PAROLE. It's time to get serious.

Walk in Christ Newness and Be FREE.