FAITH-belief that is not based on proof:
TRUST-confident expectation of something; hope.
There are so many things that we as God's people have experienced and through the duration of this blog I have covered almost every possible aspect of Man's view of the church, down to the sin that so easily beset us as Christians. However the word that has been so sound in my spirit has been Trust. Last night I had the privilege to teach on Trust to 2 of my spiritual children. Everyone knows that Trust means to depend on or believe in. But like Faith without Trust it is impossible to please God. It is also impossible to have one without the other. I know in my earlier walk with Christ I wondered why it seemed as if I had faith that God could rip the ceiling open he would give me one of those Moses visitations (lol but it never happened) Oftentimes when I had bills due or lacked in a need in my life, out of my mouth I would declare FAITH but it seemed as if that very thing I had FAITH in never worked on my behalf. Why is that? Everyone whom I shared my desires with have said, "Girl all you need is FAITH the size of a Mustard Seed and God'll do it but noone ever told me I had to TRUST as well. TRUST had been a touchy subject for me for years. But TRUST was the key to receiving those things that I had FAITH in. You can have FAITH that good will happen but if you don't TRUST in the one who you place FAITH in it will never happen. Did you know The factor of TRUST will eliminate Doubt? Doubt only comes when the thing you asked God for didnt come to pass as fast as you desire. If you Trusted in God believing no matter when it will happen, it shall happen, that makes a difference in your Endurance of Faith.
The Cause and Effect
Faith is the Plant, Trust is the Water. The Greater the Faith the Bigger the Seed, The Greater the Trust the Faster the Growth. Remember Faith is the substance of things hoped for (Hebrews 11:1) and Trust is the Expectation of Confidence in the thing you are believing God for. Where does your weakness lie, is it the fact of believing something you can't see or is it remaining steadfast to the thing you have FAITH in? When you find where your lacking, a simple prayer of help will get you on the right path.
A Prayer of Faith
Heavenly Father I acknowledge that I have been weak in Faith but I acknowledge as you said in your word that All things work together for my good, I also realize that without Faith it is impossible to please you. I ask on this day that you strengthen me and instill in me a burning desire of belief that you will do what you have promised as long as I believe. I ask that you help me when Doubt enters my spirit and I denounce anything that is not like you that may be hindering me. I declare Victory in your son Jesus name. I thank you for your gift of Faith and the Victory I have declared through this prayer In Jesus Name. Amen.
A Prayer of Trust
Heavenly Father first giving honor to you in Humility and Meekness I ask for your help on Trust today. Lord I realize that I have not placed my total Trust in you but I am asking for your help. Teach me how to Trust in you and to forgive those who have hurt me in my past. I acknowledge that all things are possible to those who believe. Show me the error of my ways and show me what I am holding on to that is hindering me from moving forward. Lord I believe in what you said when you spoke if we desire it then we shall have it. Thank you for granting me Trust today in Jesus Name. Amen.
I pray you were blessed today and that you can apply this information in any aspect of your life.