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April 6, 2012

Read the Fine Print

Its been awhile since my last blog and yet so many things have gone on that I believe were worthy to be blogged about. This is my feeble attempt to play catch up with it being 4 months already into the year. God has kept the phrase, to every choice there is an consequence sound in my spirit. I felt it would be selfish if I didn't share and help someone who may be in need of encouragement on a decision/choice they may be facing. It has been exactly 8 months since I have worked a job. That is a very long time especially when bills never stop coming and you have a family to take care of... but the way it came about was interesting and sadly its taken me this long to receive revelation on why things happened the way that they did.... I previously worked at a University in the Records department I was there for 2 years before I was written off from work due to anxiety and stress. I found it to be interesting how after 22 years of abuse, (sexual, mental, physical, and emotional) homelessness, struggling as a single parent to two toddlers, moving around, and marriage I never suffered from any form of anxiety.  But a job I worked for 2 years caused this disorder. Hmmm. My first month from work was a struggle all I did was Worry from the time I woke up until I went to sleep and even in my dreams. Depression became my bestfriend, my once Faith in God turned into a figment of my imagination. I prayed daily but worried right after and I begun to take my frustrations out on God. Many would wonder how could a believer, prophetess,  minister of the Gospel get to this point in life where the same God who carried her through everything she went through she lost Faith and Trust in. What made the situation even more crazy was God told me he was getting ready to get me off my job. This is what happens when we begin to confuse Spiritual Situations with Natural Reactions. At times we as Christians when we cant pull an understanding we lean to our own understanding I don't care how Holy you profess to be. Which brings me to my next point. The door or window that we need open that God can only open wont open if we are standing in the way. Read the fine print which is the Word of God. Where Faith is needed Worry is present. When joy comes sadness awaits Where there is positivity negativity is around the corner Its the balance of the Law and the world. But nothing is permanent until death. I want to encourage you when God prepares you for a shift don't lean to your emotions to deal with it. It took me Eight Months to Learn: A lesson taught is a lesson learned but its never for the individual that its presented to its for those who he/she will come in contact with. God will sometimes bring you to your lowest to show you his Greatness. Some gifts arent just handed on a Silver platter you gotta go through the Experience to become the Expertise. Lastly, if your going to preach the Truth of the Word you have to know the Truth of the word. Knowledge is the key. Be blessed Prophetess Kourtney Greene

February 2, 2012

It's been Awhile

I'm baaaack! This is a new year and I'm excited for what God is getting ready to do in the lives of his people...especially me (gotta make it personal) I have been on a very long consecration and it ended yesterday. We all have things that we consecrate for and from in the beginning of the year but I can assure you it wasn't for  what most churches fast for such as more members, or money to finish projects for the upcoming year. I didnt' do the standard Daniel fast either..I did what I call a Spiritual Consecration. I had never done one before but it worked. I consecrated for CONFIDENCE in my spirit. I never really realized this until my husband pointed it out, that I accepted the call of God upon my life, anointing, and authority. However I didnt accept the title. When I would minister, or prophesy it wasn't as Prophetess it was as Kourtney. Many who read this may have the same views I did, its not about the title its about humbly submitting to God as a Child of God so he can use you. Titles are so overrated because of many who has come in God's name but been of the devil...etc. etc. etc. But, God brought something to my attention, he shared with me that if he didnt want us to accept titles he wouldn't have them. There is a certain Authority that comes with the various titles that God has placed on many of our lives. In the spirit realm the enemy and demons dont fear you because your name is Ryan, or Angie it is the anointing and the respected title that God has placed upon you, whether its Prophet, Apostle, Evangelist, Teacher, Bishop, catch my drift. I also realized that man don't respect you if you don't have confidence in who God has called you to be. A Pastor of a church is referred to as Pastor by his members not Paul if his name is Paul, and just incase you didnt know Pastor is a title that holds an Authority. When it comes to titles the main issue is the Pride that one takes on. It is very important to be humble and submissive to God and his will but you cannot deny God's word. If God called you it you walk in it, its not rocket science. Jesus clearly stated that he did not come to do away with the to those who think when jesus came all the prophets vanished that is wrong. I encourage you today that if you are struggling with accepting who God has anointed you to be because of the opinions of man, you have reevaluate your stance as a Child of God. Your desire should be to serve and please God not caring what others think. Walk in who and what God has called you be.

Prophetess Kourtney Greene