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July 29, 2011

The Boy who cried Wolf: Spiritual Death

In my past studies a word that often came up was Reprobate.

Reprobate- a person rejected by God and beyond hope of salvation.

When this is mentioned so many reject it, they always say things such as God is a loving God, he would never turn his back on his children. Guess what...this determination is on YOU. What would you do if someone slept with your spouse? In the flesh you might snap but you know as a Christian you have to forgive them, what if they did it again? Would you be so quick to forgive them and let it go? (No, but God said you are to forgive Man no matter what infinitely)  God is the same way, when you partake in sin its like cheating on God. If you continue to cheat on him, he will eventually turn deaf ears to your voice. 

The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf

In the child hood stories there is a story about a little boy who cried wolf, so many of us have been in sin and have made promises to God to change. Some it took longer than others but eventually it was achieved. Because of Grace and Mercy we are able to receive an extended helping hand. Before Grace and Mercy when you committed an act against God that was immediate termination. (DEATH)

Time is winding down on this Old World, God's patience is getting thin with foolishness. That's why daily I examine myself, but because of the relationship I have with God that doesn't take much work. If you LOVE God with all your heart, it would make it very hard for you to sin against him.
Where are the Chosen Ones? Where are the ones who stand for Holiness and Righteousness? Where the Ones who won't compromise for Fame or Fortune? 

If you battling with a Habit/Desire that is displeasing to God, keep it real and let God know that you need his help. Quit lying to cover up your sin. Anyone can be set free it all starts with a MADE UP Mind. If not the path you are walking down, no matter how hard you shout, scream, and speak in "tongues" it will be DEATH, just like LIFE w/ no PAROLE. It's time to get serious.

Walk in Christ Newness and Be FREE.


July 28, 2011

In the Pit

For the past few days I have been experiencing Nausea, and everytime I tell someone the first thing they ask is..are you pregnant. but I believe God is trying to teach me something, Oftentimes we as Christians have symptoms and when we go to someone for advice, but instead of getting help we get branded.

For example if someone is experiencing warfare in all areas of there life most would think well maybe your still in sin or part of this world. If I'm broke folks will say stuff like, your finances are cursed, or he/she is a gambler etc, but thats not the case. Sometimes things go awry in our life just to test our faith. How can you know God as a Healer, if you've never been healed? How can you know God as a heart regulator if you've never had Heart Problems. Remember also everything you go through isn't for you. (Get out of that selfish mindset) The things we go through are for others as a ministering tool. To be a light.

Just like Jesus paid a price to be our Savior, all Children of God will have to go through certain things when taking a stand for the truth. This world is full of demonic forces because of the prince of this world (the devil) who is always seeking to destroy those who live for Christ.

Get out of the woe is me syndrome and walk in victory. Remember our Faith is the determination of the size of our blessings. Never forget we serve a BIG God quit limiting your desires and trust in knowing God will supply all of your needs according to his riches in Glory.

Triumphant Thursday let's get it!

July 25, 2011

I'm a Toilet, You can USE Me

Something that was brought to my attention this morning by God: Being Used.
You always hear others say "Use me Lord!" I want to be a light, I want others to see your Glory." What about those who say use me Satan? They may not say it in words but their actions most definitely speak for them.

Leeches: Satan's Pets

I have ran into so many Leeches in the Spirit, it don't make no absolute sense. Keep in mind we all have access to the same Father (God). Why do others feel like they have to drain you from all the Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding that God has given you? The walk of the Prophet sure is lonely I can attest to that. Friends come very few to us. I have had many Men and Women of God "befriend" me all the while to use me. They used me for my anointing, advice, and wisdom. I sulked about this to God, I even blamed him at one point, why you let these people come into my life, but when I need them their never there?

Although, it may not be in the natural I'm tired of getting raped in the Spirit. I had a decision to make, either become bitter or let it go. If I was who I said I was to God I had no choice but to let it go.

A Lesson Learned

At first I thought man I regret that I ever met these people but then I counted it as a blessing. So many go into battles unprepared in life with people. I learned and gained more wisdom with dealing with folks. That's where alot of my BOLDNESS comes from.

The most POWERFUL 2 Letter Word

When dealing with people you have to be able to master the word NO. I hate saying it but sometimes that 2 letter word can save someone from Eternal Damnation. Don't let everyone dump their trash in your yard. Quit letting folks drop their bricks in your lap. Is your maker name Kohler, Briggs or Mansfield? (Toilet Brands) Did he make you with a handle to pull? Clearly not. Your maker is God and you are fearfully and wonderfully made by him.

You are not a Food Collander, quit letting people drain their noodles through you. Pick your head up, use wisdom, and learn to say NO.

LEARN FROM DORA, stick your hand out and tell your Swiper. Swiper no Swiping.

*Be Empowered
*Be Encouraged
*Stand your Ground

God Bless
Prophetess K

July 24, 2011

Window of Opportunity

In the words of the Late Jim Rohn the window of Opportunity is only open for 5 years then it vanishes. Many of us have been presented with the Opportunity to work from home. A lot of these businesses have been scams. However, I myself before I join or do anything I pray. 2 months ago while praying I asked God what did he want me to do so 1. I could quit my job, and 2. So I can help his people. In one of my previous Blogs I mentioned Avon. Women Who Fight is not just a blog about my dealings with demons, spirits, and false leaders teaching made up doctrine. Women Who Fight is a Vision that was given to me back when I was 16 years old. Many of you reading this have read my book Overcoming the Odds or heard my testimony about me moving out and the warfare I experienced throughout the course of my young life. Check out Women Who Fights website it will bless you,

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And the List Goes on...
(If your interested in doing A Fundraiser for your Church, Business, School Organization let me know)


Whats the point of this blog...good question, The Window of Opportunity is Open for 5 years then it closes. God operates in seasons...There is a Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. We all know as the word states what you Sow in due season you shall reap. Whatever business you are doing don't give up. If your church only has a few members keep pushing and preaching the Word of God. In due Season you shall REAP what YOU SOW. If you are looking for something to get you off your job, put extra money in your pocket try one of the businesses I am apart of. I'm always looking to grow my team. At the end of the day in order to get help you have to ask for it. No one should feel ashamed because when you die you can't take anything with you. God's people are financially struggling...God's people have been financially cursed, I believe if enough people come together on one accord without selfishness we can produce more Multi- Millionaires. How many spiritual midwives want to help others BIRTH out Visions but can't help Sow into visions?? Its time to re soil the ground. So many are sowing into dry ground reaping either no harvest or very little. PUSH past failure and Live in YOUR NOW.

Business Contact: (615) 878-8954

Talk to you soon.


July 23, 2011

Prophet Lucky Charms

*Name not disclosed out of Obedience to God. Raising AWARENESS so we can pray for the Body of Christ.*

Where to begin..when God first revealed this to me I didn't know whether to be mad, or to go beat him up. I know there are liars, manipulators, homosexuals, and whores in ministry but not like this. This Prophet is known for his "Prophetic Revelations" "Prophetic Insight" "Prophetic Wisdom" blah blah blah SORRY TO BE THE BEARER OF BAD NEWS......He Has no anointing, In a vision he was at the Pullpit and noone was moving, the atmosphere was so dry not even a demonic presence was there. God revealed to me that he has never set the ATMOSPHERE. The anointing that flows is from the FAITH of the people. Before he preaches folks are singing, praising but if he was given the mic to USHER in the presence of God it won't happen. This Young "prophet" has a demon and he is LOST. He rapes  other men in ministry with his anointing. He manipulates others to bend over for him all because he needs to be delivered. This Prophet has laid hands on sooo many young people, Men, and Women of God all the while transferring spirits. Whispering in ears to meet with him after service. This is DISGUSTING AND SAD. He preaches that God can fire you and you not even know it. (That was for him to know) He gives warning against sin all the while he commits the very thing he warns against.

Lift ya hands and tell the Lord thank you, but I want to stick you in the booty at night. ABOMINATION! Why are people so afraid to address and correct, its because there selfish, deep down inside they don't want to accept the IGNORANCE of this Man (I know I didn't) He proclaims to have seen Jesus...No man will see Jesus until the rapturing of the Church. SICKENING. SAD. Lets continue to pray for the Salvation of the Sinners, if your not going to LIVE 100% for Christ. If your going to Let the DEVIL use you BLATANTLY THEN YOU NEED TO OPT OUT OF MINISTRY, QUIT CONTAMINATING SOULS WITH YOUR FALSE PROPHECIES, GREED FOR MONEY, HAUGHTY SPIRIT, GAY TENDENCIES, HOMOSEXUAL WAYS, AND DEMONIC TRANSFERENCE OF TRIFLING SPIRITS...drops mic.

July 22, 2011

Your Warranty has Expired: A Prophetic Warning


Often times we hear about people who continue in the Fight for Christianity but don't walk the correct walk fully. For the past few weeks God has been dropping things in my spirit, they all are in conjunction with him removing his Glory and Presence from people's ministries. He showed me in a dream in a Royal Room a well known Bishop. In the dream the Bishop expressed to me that his health is under attack, and he didn't have long to live. In the dream the very next day he had passed away. Because he has a Large Influence in Media it will leave alot of people lost.
 How many of you have mandates on your life to preach, teach, minister, businesses, etc?? But how many of you with these mandates are walking according to the Spirit of God, and not after the flesh??
What would you do if God told you your Warranty has expired? (None of your gifts are your own they are just lended to you to do God's work) From the North to the South and the East to the West God's Judgement will reign and those who aren't living according to his word will be desolate. Everything that you worked hard for will be destroyed, and those who have waited on God to move in their life will move into the positions God had for you.
This saddens my heart deeply because I never want to see my brothers and sisters struggle..but like my mother used to tell me, a Hard head makes for a Soft Tail. This Prophecy isn't for years down the rode, its for now. The only way to be protected is to walk Right in his spirit and in love.

July 20, 2011

Just a Side Thought that I decided to turn into a BLOG.

Why do people always want to "cover" somebody? Is it a sense of wanting to feel whole? Do you want to feel important? Are you bored? Do you not work a job? I mean what is it? The floor is open for discussion. I believe Spiritual Coverings are a calling...there shouldnt be 1 million spiritual parents and the world be this corrupt.

I don't get it. Maybe if people sat down longer with good teaching, got delivered, and operated out of the true spirit of the Living God, it wouldn't be so much WHOREMONGERING going on. And the Church wouldn't be referred to as a BUNNY RANCH, with the Pastor being the Ring Leader.

Short and to the Point.

ER: Trauma from Abuse, Support the Foundation!

" I stood behind the glass doors waiting, when will she ever leave? A few weeks prior I didn't know if I was going to live or die. I had been beaten to the point of insanity, to have my abuser to beat my head into the floor repeatedly saying, DIE DIE I WANT YOU TO F***ING DIE, traumatized me. Have you ever had a shock treatment? My abuser after attempting to kill me took a large yellow flower pot of ice cold water and dumped it on me. Have you ever had to live in FEAR because you knew that at any moment your brains would be blown out? Believe or not I'm not the only one who has been through this. I had the privilege to live in a Womens Abuse Shelter 4.5 years ago. The Abuser in my life was my grandmother. She tried killing me on numerous occasions but God.

(order a copy of my book)

I met a lady who had a 9 year old daughter with a voice of an angel. Her Father was not only abusing her mother but he was molesting the little girl. I know the spirit draws souls so in that season we became close. I have seen fear but never like this. One day she needed to go to the store so we drove 2 counties over, she wore a wig so noone could recognize her. The whole time in the store she was paranoid. Fear had seeped into her soul and took root. Pain tormented her and Hurt controlled her. After about 10 minutes she decided to leave and go back to the shelter. A few days later her husband showed up to the shelter to claim what's was his, the little girl. The love of a mother is a powerful thing. Since the shelter was high security they wouldn't let him through. Shortly there after she left to go to Texas. In order for them to get out safely they had to lie down in the back of a trunk. I haven't seen them since...

While your sitting here reading this someone is getting beaten, pray for God's people!

No matter what has happened press inspite of!

July 19, 2011

School of the Warlocks my bad I meant Prophets.

School of the Prophets is mentioned  a lot in ministry. For those who don't know what that is its simple, its a corporate setting/gathering for those who believe they are called to the office of a Prophet. At this school whether its online or in a building they are schooled on how to use their gifts, discernment, different levels of anointings, etc etc etc... Usually you pay a fee the prices vary $50-$300 sometimes more.

However, I don't agree with it. In the beginning I'm sure it started off Pure but greed and popularity has tainted it. (Now if you have a School...good for you) There is a man on fb who refers to himself as the MASTER PROPHET. He has a school with quite a few students but I question the discernment in their spirits. This man told me one day he wanted to give me a lesson, I had no clue about what he wanted to teach so he called me. He instructed me that because of the anointing I have I should no longer give out "free words" if someone asks for a word I should request a seed, once I receive it I call them back. (Where they do that at? Only on Fb lol) Afterwards, he decided he wanted to give me a word, at the tme I was not married so he "PROPHETRIED" to Prophesy that he saw my husbnd in the spirit (whaddya know he was describing hisself) STRAIGHT IGNORANCE.

Since people want to sell stuff for monetary gain they need to make some Holy Coffee to wake these folks up. (Just kiddn)

Do you realize that when you open your spirit up to be poured into whatever demonic forces your leader is dealing with will then be transferred towards you? Recognize the Real from the Fake.

You can't water Fake Flowers.

Dazed & Confused: Ladies so you think your a Man?

Well I may loose some followers because of this blog, but in life you loose and gain so oh well. :)

"A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach......;" 1 Timothy 3:2

I have met quite a few Women Bishops ( I know I'm always meeting someone) when asked what made them be apart of that office, they all said because thats what they desired. If I was a doctor I would have one diagnosis....confused.

I'm not writing this to debate (that would be a waste of yours and my time) however as a Prophetess of versatility, light should be shown on ALL THINGS. The only word found interchangeable as far as gender is concerned is SOME. ("And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;" Ephesisans 4:11)
In Latin terminology some is referred too as he/she. When I looked up the definition of wife I got:

*Wife- n. a woman joined in marriage to a man; a woman considered in relation to her husband; spouse.

What I have come to realize is...women love control, especially women who have dealt with some form of rejection/abuse. God is calling his people back to the church, and the order needs to be set. I'm not challenging anyone's anointing. The fact of the matter is, Women still have an ordained placed in Ministry, Relationships, etc. No matter what anyone has done to you, God's word never returns back void. Unless you were put to sleep and your rib was taken out of you, and God made you a spouse you need to correct yourself. Jezebel seeks to be in any position that she can dominate in. If its the money/fame that usually goes along with the title, go bake some really good cookies and sell them, or start your own business.

Whether you believe that you are in order or not, the word of God is the Last determining factor. The Word of God is God's Words. Contrary to the belief that we don't live in the Old Testament, if thats the case there wouldn't be an OLD TESTAMENT, it would just be a NEW TESTAMENT. Don't be foolish. I pray this helps someone realize their place in God. If your unsure fast and pray and wait on God.

I rather be in order than be out of order and get punished.

How many important Women Bishops do you know? I haven't heard about any so...God Bless

July 18, 2011

Bend Over for me.. Please?

Submission is always spoken highly of in Ministry, and If you can't submit to your Leader you might as well leave. I have had many debates about spirtual authority in ministry. How many of you have had Spiritual Parents? I have come to the conclusion that this ideology of "spiritual parents" isn't for everyone. Note that just because you don't have them doesn't mean your out of order. God will always be your covering. In this blog like all the others I have written I can only speak for myself. In 2010. I was introduced to my FIRST set of spiritual parents. Boy was this a journey...

The Prophet named Joseph

It seemed like everytime my "spiritual father" crossed my mind he would call...I asked him why that was, and he said it was because God ordained him to be my spiritual father so our soul tie was automatic. For the record Satan is so ignorant. Because, my real father wasn't in my life emtionally I took to him easily.


I started having strange dreams. IN these dreams he was always clothed in a black robe. (For you seers, we know black attire such as robes are in reference to ministry) However it was like his robe was painted on his neck and it flowed down. In these dreams he was telling demons and witches to go away when they would attack me. These weren't ordinary spirts they were short demons wih ugly faces some with yellowish eyes or black. It was weird because he didn't command them to go in the name of Jesus.  But everytime he gave an order They obeyed him. I was knieve to what I was seeing because I couldnt believe what was being revealed. But since I'm a girl who believes in praying over everything revealed to me in the spirit I had no choice but to accept. This man was a WARLOCK! Not only was he that...he was HORNY. He got off (turned on) to hear my voice, he loved to look at my pictures, can sumbody say ewww! I was hurt how could someone pretend to be of God and do these vile things. GOD also revealed to me that he was trying to control my anointing. (If I wasn't saved I would've showed my behind...praise God for Jesus) He got kicked to the sewer under the curb.

Unfortunately, In ministry now you see it alot. Young people being controlled and manipulated by leaders who wish they had the same anointing and authority. People! Don't allow yourselves to be deceived!

Ladies get to know the men trying to cover you as a daddy. Some Leaders just want to hear you call them daddy. Fellas know the genuine anointing God has placed over your life and let God lead you to your mentors.


An Apostle can't cover an Apostle. A Bishop doesn't supercede an Apostle. NO matter the title we will all be judged the same. Sins outcome is always death. If you are knowingly trying to cover someone thru the spirit of Jealousy and Control your name is Jezebel, repent. Horny unmarried men if your spiritual daughters turn you on in the spirit, you need to Humbly Remove your covering, your Father in Heaven sees all.  

Anything contrary to the word of God is considered Unrighteous, and God says, "I'm removing my presence."

Wisdom. Knowledge. Understanding.

Sleep'n with the Enemy: A Sneak Peek!

Have you ever been afraid to admit and acknowledge your sin? Have you ever tried to hide behind the face of Christianity so noone would know the real you? This book is a must read! It was hard for me to write this book because I was afraid of what others would think about me, but God reminded me its not about you its all about me. I pray this book brings deliverance to those who are living in their double lifestyles! Get a box of tissues and get ready for the ride.

*Intricate Details of every Sexual/Emotional Relationship I had with Various Men. Musicians, Men of God, Athletes, Nerds, Gangsters, etc.... I tell it all. **

Click to Read Details.

Innocent until proven Guilty: STAND

"I've never seen the righteous forsaken"

It don't matter the accusations, or the lies, sometimes God places you in the hot seat so that he may be exalted by the outcome of your circumstance. STAND!

"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God...and all these things will be added unto you."

Is your money counterfeit? Hear the VOICE of the LORD!

Deception is always around us. Sometimes its hard when your trying to walk on that straight and narrow path, but its not impossible. I have had many encounters with Men and Women of God who confess that they are still living a life full of sin. Their only justification is, "God is my Judge." I don't think people realize how severe it is for a child of God to profess Jesus, and save souls, while partaking in sin.

The most deceiving part of this is, in there mind they are a "Child of God," but in God's eyes their not. The word states how can you serve two masters, you can either love one or hate the other. Money in correlation to this Blog is, your spiritual gifts. How do you know if someone is operating out of the spirit of the true and living God, just like you justify if money is real or fake, hold it up to the light. The only true light source is by, through, and from God. Men and Women get out of your emotions! Stop justifying the sins of this world saying no man can judge you. As a Child of God you are to correct your brother/sister if not you will held accountable. Don't get it twisted God can tear down any wall of the enemy, but he wants his people to display Strength. God says, "For only the Strong will make it in, not the weak and carnal minded." You are more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ the redeemer of your Soul.

"I'm taking my Presence away from those who don't live righteous." GOD

July 15, 2011

Set the Dinner Table RIGHT!

To everything there is an order. Whether it be a Job, Ministry, Marriage, get my point! When you prepare fore dinner usually the Table should look like this:

Do you see how the table is set up? There is order to this table before you eat the meal that is prepared. The smaller fork is for the Salad not the Full course meal. The soup spoon (which isnt present) is for the soup. Technically your not supposed to eat your Mashed Potatoes with the soup spoon. The Steak knife is for the Steak, its hard to cut Steak with a butter knife. All I'm saying is there is an order to your Life, quit moving so fast that you ignore those small things. Little things if fixed will eliminate Big problems in the future. Walk in your Divine Purpose, and IN ORDER. Lord order my steps.

Who Fathered your Baby??

 All good things are from heaven right?? Wrong! Last night I had a dream  sadly, not every dream is sent by God. (I knew that, but some dreams seem so good, you can't help but think its nobody but God) Have you ever started a project for God, then something comes along similar to it (seeming to be more prosperous) and you jump on that band wagon too. Let me use myself for instance. I was in prayer one day, and God told me he wanted me to sell Avon. Now to me that was Random, because I was already doing 2 other businesses with my Husband. I never wore Avon, and couldn't see myself selling it either. Out of obedience God gave me the funds ($ to join so I signed up. I have been selling Avon for almost 2 months now, and have done pretty well. (To God be the Glory) However, for the past 2 weeks people have been telling me there is more money in Mary Kay. How many people you know sell both?? (I know quite a few..smh) Well in one part of my dream, I met a wealthy woman who owned a building that was apart of the University I work at, before she walked away she handed me a small dirty makeup kit from Mary Kay. (of course it was standing out to me, but I just received the understanding while doing this blog) Now before I received the understanding of what I saw, I thought maybe God was trying to tell me I needed to sell Mary Kay and make more money. (I thank God for my husband and his gift) Prophet Greene told me not everything I see is from God. I almost got upset with him, because I already knew that. The devil is the only person I know who prepares someone before he deceives them. 

To make this long story short the devil tried to get me to abort the vision/assignment God gave me with Avon, to pursue doing Mary Kay. If he can distract you from your assignment, YOU can destroy your mission. I now realize with any business I do that the people who come are strategically sent by God. Avon is a business for Women, but I have met so many diverse ones. 

Always remember the serpent is one of the wisest creatures but he is not wiser than God. (Praise Break)He knows that you first become impregnated with a vision, then if you pay it attention it grows, and next your Faith is what PUSHES the baby out.  What am I saying. Make sure you evaluate every vision given to you, just because it look Good doesnt mean it taste good. Some of you who are reading this are currently taking on "dreams" that werent meant to be pursued, therefore causing you to be not only out of Gods will, but lost without purpose.

Be Patient. Let God confirm it. Then Pursue It.

July 14, 2011

Peek-A-Bo (If your sensitive don't read this!)

What does it profit a man to want to sleep with a boy at the age of 16? You have a beautiful wife, kids, and you just had a new born! If there is something that bothers and upsets me the most, its when a LEADER/MAN/WOMAN OF GOD, hits on the youth because whats inbetween their legs is in Heat. Yes we know its a Demon, but do people have morals. We wonder why society is so jacked up now! Young people don't know which way they want to go, and sucicide is becoming the main alternate way OUT of a situation!

Whats done in the dark will come to light!

I'm not a big believer in calling folks out, however because this was my spiritual son who went through this I feel led to.  Pastor Dywane Dawkins you need to be sat down and be delivered. You are a GROWN MAN, and this is a 16 year old Child. For you to skype this young man and share a picture of your PENIS is an abomination. (For those who don't understand, imagine it being one of your children)  Why? We have mega preachers with mega churches acting a mega mess. If you or someone you know is battling the Demon of Molestation and Homosexuality, take this word of wisdom. In order to achieve full deliverance, you have to STARVE THE DEMON. Don't feed it anymore thoughts, hints, attractions (to sum it all up) FOOD. A hungry person is always searching and it wont stay where its not welcomed.

If you are a LEADER and you know your not living right, do not lay hands on ANYONE! So many of God's people are deceived to the Fact that because a Pastor can Shout, and because them tongues sound beautiful they are living a HOLY LIFESTYLE. Is the same thing being preached in the pullpit being displayed behind close doors?? If your HOME is a Mess your CHURCH WILL BE A MESS! Quit operating in Holymess and starting walking into Holiness! Spiritual Parents cover these children some parents don't even care about the well being of their childs spirit, thats why you are here!



Always show Love no matter what it looks like, but don't be Foolish. If it walk like a Demon, Talk like a Demon, then it must be a Demon. There is Power in the Name of Jesus!

(A spiritual Journey) Be Careful what you Ask For

I remember the first time I stood in the bathroom and asked God to give me "eyes like Jesus" why did I do that? You never know what you ask for until you receive it. A few nights later I was in a light sleep, all of a sudden I felt compelled to wake up. Since I was new to the realm of the spirit I didnt quite understand what things were when I saw them. At the foot of my bed was a tall figure clothed in gray, and the head was black with no eyes and Long Hair it looked like it was ducking. I thought I was tripping so I closed my eyes, I opened them again and it was still standing there, awww heck naw is what I initially thought. I took the blanket and covered my head and closed my eyes. I told myself it was an angel because I was terrified, however God revealed to me it was not.

For the next 3 nights I was paranoid, I couldn't sleep, my kids were reporting things walking through the house, and one day while doing my hair in the mirror out of the corner of my eye I saw a short dark figure. I thought I had lost my mind, but God reminded me you asked for it. I begged God to remove the visions, and being able to see demons. He then told me how can I remove something you've been gifted with since birth. So I told him I wasnt ready.

I got tired of being paranoid and instead of sulking about it I got up, got some oil and warred. Every time a wave of Fear hit me I warred harder until I felt Strong. I casted every spirit that came to mind back to the pits of hell and dared them to show their faces. For some reason, I felt like all of this could have been prevented if I would have kept my mouth shut.

To sum it all up, although God may have for you to do an assignment don't cause those assignments to come out of season. It makes it harder for you to conqueor. Some war fare in our lives can be prevented if were patient and spent more time with our mouths closed. Everything God shows you does not need to be shared.  Folks may think your crazy but until God says so.....KEEP IT MOVING. * Be Blessed*

July 13, 2011

Pull up your (Pant)ies

I sat here for awhile trying to figure out how I was going to word this without offending anyone, but I've realized that someone's feelings will get hurt. I pray this subject helps atleast one person!

When someone says pull up your panties, you first think of SEX. Women keep your legs close, etc..this has nothing to do with that.

When you use the Bathroom you don't just sit on the toilet with your clothes on do you?( I would think not, most of us pull down our pants.)  As Wo(Men) we are already designed to be emotional beings. From time to time things in our life causes us to feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and disappointed however we shouldn't let those things keep us down.

Truth is, we can't change how we came into the world, what family we were birthed in, and the path God has for us, etc but you can Change how you react to life and its hiccups. Like using the restroom, sometimes things in our life can constipate us, but we have to PUSH through those situations until we receive a release. Next God then provides the tissue, he cleans up the mess or stains that is left when we release. Afterwards, does that mean you keep sitting there? No, you then have to GET UP an PULL UP your (Pant)ies. Underwear in this context is symbolic to Security. Where do you find Security? Is it in the Word? Praying, Praising, or Worshipping? Whatever it is excercise it in order to get you through to the next time you have to Use the Bathroom. No one can go to the bathroom for you, its a one man job. Quit trying to take others into the bathroom with you, and quit leaving your (Pant)ies down.

PUSH. RELEASE. and Move Foward!!

Will a Man Rob God?

"Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings." Malachi 3:8 We all know this scripture, however this does not apply to what this BLOG is about.

This is in reference to Pimping and Pride. and the answer to the question is YES.

It is done every single day in the Spirit. Pride is something I've ran into during my many dealings with Leaders, last night I posted a status that stated,  " So..I want to extend a warm congrats to those who during service charged to release a Prophetic Word, you have now tapped in the same realm Psychics use. Kudos to you! Make money for your Step Daddy while using the gift your Real Father gave you. SMH, #Foolishness"

One night I attended a service hosted by a "Well" Known Prophet. By that time I was new to the office of a Prophet, so I became entrigued in watching one in action. He is actually 1 year younger than me and I'm 23. Now the preaching wasn't the issue, the fact that he kept telling people I see you in the spirit and you can't hide from me, he told a woman if you keep thinking that way I will tell how your sleeping with a married man, and Roboshakakhanado. (Don't try to interpret those) I'm not here to validate the anointing on his life, but it came a part in service when he decided to Prophesy to a few people.  He's well known for, laying folks out on the floor so he did just that. Then he proceeded to the stage and said I can see it in the spirit, there are about 10 people in here with $1,000 so he sat on that stage for about 30 minutes telling those 10 people to come up there with a check or cash in their hand. After they laid the money in his hand he gave them a word. Do you not realize in 30 minutes this man made $10,000 thats about 6 months worth of pay at a regular job. After that he asked everyone else to give a seed of atleast 40 dollars if you gave it you got prayer. I want you to see the spects of the service there was atleast 300 people there, so you do the math. To make a Long story short it was my turn to get hands laid on me. (Out of obedience I paid my $40.00) I Will let me tell you how that went.

I walked up he stood there for about 3 minutes and looked at me, then he laid hands on me (well I didnt feel no anointing) so I didnt budge, he stepped back, this time when I looked him in the eye his eyes looked cockeyed, are you telling me this "Prophet" everyone looks up too, because of his "gift of knowledge, and wisdom has a demon! The second time he started at a run towards me and I "gave up the ghost" and fell before he hit me lol There were many coming up after me getting hands laid on them and shaking, rolling, and sliding on the floor like some snakes. Since I'm very passionate about deliverance I started to walk up there and lay hands on him myself, Men and Women of God you don't ever lay hands on someone with a demon and let them leave the way they came. If the anointing of God is that strong on an individual then those Demons should have been casted off! (thats another blog for another time) This is the type of IGNORANCE that goes on in ministry every single day. It's time to recognize the foolishness and sit folks down. Quit letting the Devil use Man because of Greed to steal from you. FYI you may think your sowing into good ground but its not, beyond the roses the roots are decayed.

Noone's gift came from self, they should be grateful that God even choose them to walk under that anointing. The next time someone says, God can fire you and you not even know it, thats the person whose saying it needs to stop Working for the Devil.

I pray this helped someone today, Repent. Pray, and Walk in a Newness of Christ.

July 12, 2011

Keep it Down: Spiritual Bulimia

I first want to thank God for this wonderful revelation..

Webster first defines in the "Natural" Bulimia meaning an illness in which a person binges on food or has regular episodes of overeating and feels a loss of control.

How does that apply to the Spirit?

So many of us, (I have been guilty myself in the past) don't read the word. Usually its only read when situation and circumstances start crumbling in our life. This is what causes the Bulimia in the Spirit. So many over indulge but their spirits can't handle what is fed to them. We all know God grants revelation and insight while reading, somethings we can share, other times we can't. When an individual feeds themself to the point where they can't contain what is given to them, they then start releasing words out of season. Prophecies that aren't meant to be spoken until an appointed season are shared causing the individual to be placed in a bind in the Spirit. I've noticed that people are oftentimes operating out of the Spirit of Divination without any knowledge of it. All these things can be prevented if your eating habits change.

Look at it like this what happens when you skip breakfast, lunch and then eat dinner? Your having to make up for 2 meals causing you to overeat. On a personal note, there were times when I would read my bible every single day, then I would become busy, or "distracted." Causing me to put off my time with God. Remember we serve a Jealous God, he said don't put anything before me. Stuff started going awry in my life, transportation issues, rent barely being paid, bills higher than usual. I went to God and prayer and was like "ok, dad is there something I'm doing wrong, I'm not sinning to my knowledge." God quickly revealed to me it had nothing to do with sin, it had to do with a promise. Anytime you enter into a personal relationship with God you can't just throw him to the side like we do so many of our friendships/relationships. God will quickly shake the foundation you walk on to remind you, "Hey! I'm still here" God is not a convenience.


First repent. Next pick a time even if its for 30 minutes, read. It's time to restore the Health back to its right place in your spirit. Walk in Victory!

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July 11, 2011

Mirror. Mirror. On the Wall, Whose the Fairest of them All? Jezebel.

The Most Feared Demonic force in the world and it all stems from an Emotion.

Jezebel was first acknowledged in 1 Kings, when she married the King Ahab. She was portrayed as a Notorious woman known for using her beauty to seduce men into doing whatever she wanted. Many say that she did her dirt in the shadow of her husband, but that is not the case. I've had many encounters with this demonic force, I actually use to lend my body to her whenever she felt the need to feel empowered.

How did I get the spirit?

It actually started when I was treated like dirt by a man. I was in my senior year of Highschool and I met this guy named Will. We used to hang out all the time. I was never attracted to him he was someone who I pretty much could call to rescue me from my pschizophrenic and bi polar grandmother. (Story is featured in my book Overcoming the Odds) I should have known eventually he would try and take our friendship to the next level, however I was knieve to the fact. On Christmas Eve around 12:00pm in 2005, Will picked me up to go hang out with him before I went out of town. This time was different. He told me when we got to the house that he wanted to have sex with me. I was mad, I never made a pass at him, hinted or flirted with: He was Dog Ugly. (I can't tell you everything that happened I would spoil the Chapter in my book) To make a Long story short, he spread a rumor about me, calling me a B****, Hoe, and Lame. I had men who walked up to me all the time asking me when am I going to let them hit. Every time a man said it, it made me angrier. Revenge started seeping into my spirit. I absolutely hated going to school, but I had no choice. Finally one day I took a stand and put him in his place infront of the student body after lunch. I never heard from him again pertaining to that situation. That didn't stop the scarring that already took place. I made a vow to myself that never again would I let another man hurt me the way that this man did.
 (The rest of my story is in my upcoming book Sleep'n with the Enemy: Life after Highschool)

My previous Blog talked about when God called me a Wayward Woman that was the last step to my deliverance from this Demonic Spirit. Like many now, I didn't want to accept the fact that I had let this spirit control me, before I knew what a Prophetess was ( I wasn't raised in church) I knew that I had the ability to see when a Man is weak and prey on it. Many do that in ministry now. You have leaders who look for those "babes" in Christ and present themselves as Spiritual Mothers and Fathers to God's Children. You have Women preachers who get turned on when they see their deacons and ministers that are both Man and Woman in the church. You have the leaders who make you feel guilty while in the pullpit, using phrases such as you don't know what I have been through so don't judge me.

Why is Jezebel portrayed as a Woman? (Notorious Women in the Bible)

Spirits are said to be Unisex, however since Eve in Genesis a woman has been portrayed to be Manipulative, especially towards a man. Eve who superceded what her husband told her not to do. Listened to a Creature and his ideocricies(me I wouldve ran, but they didnt have any knowledge until they ate from the tree) because the devil knew how much Adam loved his wife (emotions) he played on that and influenced him to eat from the "Forbidden tree" and the rest is history. It was then that the seed of manipulation was impregnated into Eve, and from then on it passed through the generations. The spirit of Jezebel never wants to go unseen so it shows its head periodically throughout the bible. Another run in with Jezie was when Tamar, manipulated Judah because she was mad (emotions) and still didnt win. (2 Sam 13: 1-22) Bathsheba she wasn't pleased by her husband so she did it to David, got knocked up by him, and married him. (2 Sam Ch 11) Delilah was the woman who was broke and she decided to use her wisdom, and beauty to entice Samson to break him down (Judges 16: 4-5) Potiphar's wife she was another one of them horny women who husband didn't please her and tried to flirt hard with Joseph because he was attractive. (Genesis 39: 7-12) I could go on and on but you get my point.

The only one who was shown as being delivered thats mentioned in the bible was Mary Magadelene, and she then walked along side Jesus. In The Book of Revelation, Jezebel was portrayed yet again as a woman (prophetess) against the country of Thyatira and she influenced the men and caused them to engage in sexual immorality. (Revelation 2: 20-23)

*Unresolved Emotions
**Note that Fear is her cousin, depression is her brother, and lying is her sister**

The Antidote
As you see you can't run from her or hide but you can take a stand against her. Love is the key. The spirit is fed off of negative emotions subsequently anger.  Fasting and praying is another great tactic that can be used. Jezebel won't leave unless there is a willingness. Because of the Authority/Boldness of the spirit, no man or woman should be quick to lay hands on an individual that possess this spirit. Above all things God through his son Jesus Christ can remove all things. One thing I will say even when fighting this spirit or any of the others, they all have to bow at the name of Jesus. Don't try to be Jehu if you weren't called to walk under that Authority.

So...It's time to look in the mirror, what do you see? Past the Makeup, Acne, Fake Lashes, Lipstick, and Lipgloss. Don't let this spirit continue to win, its a First Class ticket to Hell.

Don't be deceived, be careful of who you share information with. Walk in Integrity. Always display Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding. Show Love everyday to everyone.

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Take off your Training Bra

Fear is the number one cause of why people never make it into their "Promised" Land. Often times we spend numerous of hours, days, and years praying, fasting, worshipping, and trusting that God will move in our lives. However, when God gives us our instructions we become hesisitant. What is the cause of this? I myself have been in this situation numerous of times. I remember when I first got saved, I was still "straddling the fence." Sex was the downfall of my flesh. I would read my word, fast, pray, but every time it came down to controlling my sexual habits I couldn't. But, I still wanted God to move on my behalf in my life. I wanted God to bless my finances, push me closer to him, but I wasn't willing to give up what I found security in. One day while talking to God he told me I was a Wayward Woman. In Lamen's terms Wayward signified a Hoe. (For you bible scholars a Whoremonger) To have my daddy the one who I loved so dearly to say this to me was a slap in the face. I knew then that the thoughts of me to him was not pleasing in his eye sight. It wasnt that I didnt know fornication was wrong, because I had done it so much it became a part of me. Sometimes when we get complacent in our spirit towards habits we can't see how it is wrong. God also reminded me that Sin is a direct cut off from him. All that time that I spent "fasting" "praying" "worshipping" and "loving" on God was in vain. Often times we think because we feel that we love God that every prayer or act of gratification to him is received. WRONG.
It was hard to let go of my sinful behavior but it wasn't impossible. I sat down and I expressed to God that I needed his help. (Thats all God wants to hear: Help me) He started showing the roots of why I did those things, I didnt go "Cold Turkey" over night but alot of factors went into my process going by quickly. Marriage. God shared with me, how can I bless you with a husband if your flesh is rotted. Marriage is Pure. I even went so far as to think that the man I was engaging in a sexual relationship with was my husband. Sadly, God told me that he may have sent him as my husband but the first time we entered into sin it tainted the relationship. If you are currently in a relationship, unless God comes to you and says you can marry someone who you have already crossed that Line with, then it aint happening.
Whatever it is that may be blocking you from receiving and walking into your divine purpose its time to start working on getting rid of it. Remember it may be hard but nothing is impossible. "Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy," Jude 1:24
It's time to take off your Training Bra.

July 8, 2011

The Silent Killer

Last week I was listening to my gospel music, and talking to God when he asked a Question: What are my people breathing in? In the news we have read about people who have died from Carbon Monoxide poisioning. For those who don't know what that is:

Carbon Monoxide: Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas, but, being colorless, odorless, tasteless, and initially non-irritating, it is very difficult for people to detect.

When we are being fed by our various Pastors/ Teachers what are we allowing to enter inside our Spirit. Just like too much Carbon Monoxide can kill you so can what you allow others to speak in your life. Not everything with a Prophet, Apostle, Pastor, Minister, etc in front of the name is HOLY. Unless you can see through walls (or have extra sensitive discernment) you won't see the "god" they pray too or their lifestyle behind close doors.

 When words are spoken nothing can be seen however they form whatever the word is. If someone says oooo you make me sick, that allows sickness to enter into their life. You say this makes me nervous. That allows nervousness to enter into your life. Remember the world was form off of the words of God. God spoke Life and their it was, he spoke Light and it came in to existence. Someone may speak good words in front of you, but behind close doors they misuse and abuse your name.

I've seen this happen to so many but when you know better you do better right? Watch who you let pour into your life, always always always use discernment it will pay off in the end.

****On another Note*****

How Many of you have said to someone who is "prophesying" or "speaking life into your situation" I RECEIVE THAT? When you say "I RECEIVE IT" You are not only receiving what they spoke, your receiving what ever spirit thats transferable at that time. If someone speaks millions in your life, and days later your car breaks down, you lose your home, you seem to always be broke when u never had that issue. Don't be deceived into thinking, "before the good comes, I gotta experience the bad." Instead, YOU need to be REBUKING, and casting down, every demonic spirit and word curse that was spoken to you by that individual.

The bible says, "Try the Spirit by the Spirit." (The spirit being the spirit of God) Next time you decide to ask someone for a "word" or "what is the Lord saying" listen to their spirit, it will save you from being deceived and confused.

Romans 8:28

He Stole It, but God gave it Back : Rape

What a touchy subject, but like all my other posts I give you the stance from being Victim to becoming Victorious.


Rape first started in Genesis:

Genesis 34

 1And Dinah the daughter of Leah, which she bare unto Jacob, went out to see the daughters of the land.
 2And when Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite, prince of the country, saw her, he took her, and lay with her, and defiled her.

I myself have been placed in a situation where a man decided to take advantage of me 5 weeks after I gave birth to my daughter. (The full story is in my Upcoming 2nd Book: Sleep'n with the Enemy) During the course of this situation no matter how much I cried and told him to stop he wouldn't. How could a man be so cruel, my daughter was within 10 feet of me lying in her crib. I hated myself, and I carried this pain for quite awhile. I often wondered what makes a Man do things of that nature to a Woman? Then I got angry with God, I had been in situations like this before, but now I was saved and trying to live righteous. Why when I ask God to stop him he didn't, did my tears mean nothing to him? I didn't flirt with this man, and in all actuality when he came to my home I was reading my bible. Lord didnt you see that this man threw the word from out my hands?? Where were those angels that you always talked about that were our protectors? Why God did you let this happen to me, do you not love me? Sometimes we will never know why things happen in that moment, but later on God shows us another plan for those besetting situations. God reminded me that although this man committed the physical act the demonic force behind it was the devil. Any bad thing/ situation comes from Satan, and because the enemy hates anything/ anyone who loves God he decided he would take what he thought was valuable to a woman: her dignity. THE DEVIL IS A LIAR!

Two years later I ran into a woman who had been raped, and I strongly believe had I not experienced that before the ministering wouldn't have had as much of an impact as it did. It was then that I understood the term, what the devil meant for bad God turned for his good. There are millions of men and women who have been molested, and raped. The devil desires to hold as many as he can in bondage, if he can impact you in someway he thinks he has won.

Remember God's promise concerning those who Rape you
"But if in the field the man finds the girl who is engaged, and the man forces her and lies with her, then only the man who lies with her shall die. 26"But you shall do nothing to the girl; there is no sin in the girl worthy of death, for just as a man rises against his neighbor and murders him, so is this case."
God is the Avenger of every situation that is displeasing to him. Don't feel like it is your fault because its not. The devil wanted something that he can't get you to hand to him and thats your Dignity. Those who have been through this rise up above that situation. Yes the pain hurts but we all serve a God who can take it all away. Let the situation empower you, and strengthen you to help others. You can never change the situation but you can change how it affects your life. I have two daughters and I refused to allow a rape to hinder me from being all that I can be for my girls.

Confess. Share. Give. and Let Go.

Confess the situation, Express your feelings towards it, Give it all to God, and Let him fix it.

Be Blessed in knowing whose you are and how much he LOVES him some YOU.

July 7, 2011

Pain that Cuts Like a Knife

One of the WORST hurts that you can feel is : CHURCH HURT

How many have been at a church where there gift wasn't accepted? How many have confided in someone but later found out they told everybody, they momma, and their kids? How many have been hit on by a Leader? How many have been made promises and they have been broken?

 I have found that alot of people who have experienced Church Hurt, have not dealt with it. You know the ministries that don't grow, or the preachers who curse in the pullpit, those who water down the Bible, those who preach to make you feel good...if you asked the Leader what made them start their own ministry I almost bet you a large percentage did it because their feelings got hurt. Ministry has went from being Spirit Based, to Emotion Based. A few years ago I experienced Church Hurt at its fullest. 

I was raised Catholic, when I turned 13 I became Baptist, and when I turned 18 I became Pentecostal. I met this guy that went to the Pentecostal Church I was attending at the time, to make a long story short I got pregnant by him. I went from the Choir to the Pew in a matter of days which is understandable I knew that I was Singing and Sexing. However because he was one of the "main" Musicians in the church he got to continue to strum on his Bass Guitar. The Theory of the Leader was if I sat him down he would leave the church forever, and until I could prove that the baby I was carrying was his he would be allowed to continue to "strum on his guitar." Being that I wasn't really raised in the church I left. I felt hurt they treated me like I was the abominable snowman. God dealt with me and I wound up going back, when I came back to my surprise he was sat down, but it didn't stop there I became the talk of the church. Instead of the Older women teaching me and helping me they gossiped. Here I was a young lady who recently came out of an abuse shelter, to living in the projects, being on public assistance, and dropped out of college. I wanted a baby shower bt was told that if they throw me a baby shower that would mean they condoned the sin (so I didnt get one) however when I was in the hospital they sent a candy basket. They treated me like I was diseased, and my baby like it was an alien,  some of the women called her demon baby. These are the same women who grabbed the mic every sunday and woooo Jesus ,Yes Lord, and Rabashaba. I was confused like many of us who have dealt with this level of hurt. How could children of God, Ministers, and Leaders act like this...10 months later I got pregnant again, this time the Pastor got involved, a woman who God had placed in my life to minister to me was called to a meeting by him. He told her to be careful being around me, I'm a hurting woman, and a compulsive liar. I called him and asked him did he say those things, (NOW YOU KNOW SOME PEOPLE JUST BOLD AND DON'T CARE IF IT HURTS YOUR FEELINGS OR NOT) he said Yes I said it. I cried. and cried some more. He knew I was crying so he said well I'm sorry if it hurt your feelings and told me he would call me later and never did. After that I vowed I would never open up to another Leader: you can't trust them. Before God would allow a grudge to manifest in my spirit he told me in prayer one day, daughter let it go, I will take care of it. Here we go back to the word INTERNALIZE, where we mess up when being hurt by someone is letting it sit in our spirit and entertain it. If we know whose we are then we know that he is the avenger of all things done wrong to his children. Who has  hurt you? When your around certain people in church do you get disgusted by just their presence? Who do you after 10 years done passed still talk bad about? It's time to be real, sometimes an act of hurt that has never been dealt with can hinder your Ministry. Confess your hurt to God, Ask him to work it out, and Walk away from it. It's your season walk in the newness of Christ. 

Remember: CONFESS, ASK, and WALK

Don't Ask. Don't Tell.

Don't ask, don't tell" (DADT) is the official United States policy, now pending repeal, on homosexuals serving in the military.

However from the stand point of a Christian this same statement is used in ministry. You may have heard or know a few people who have been actively participating in Sin while preaching in the pullpit and laying hands on many. The first time someone takes a stand against something negative there is always opposition, and the first thing anyone says is quit judging people. Understand this. As a Christian and a Child of God, you have a right to call things out that are not only displeasing to God, and can cause harmto a sinner trying to become saved. All sin is wrong but since I have been called to ministry back in 2010, the spirit of HOMOSEXUALITY has been prevalent. I have met Men and Women of God who feel as if its okay to participate in this lifestyle as long as it doesn't affect their status as a Leader in Ministry. Sorry to pop the bubble, but it does! My job is not to look down on anyone but if we are going to profess Holiness and take a stand against the enemy why do many partake in communion with him. What about morals, what about never sinning against the God who gave you Life? Quit using "God is Love" as a justification to continue to taint your ministry. God loves all of his children but he HATES sin. If he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, because of the sin/ acts of homosexuality that was displayed why don't you think he would do it now in 2011? God is and will always be the Same God yesterday, today and forever. Instead of taking a Stand in the pullpit and then bending behind close doors live HOLY. Deliverance begins in the mouth. Men instead of putting something in your mouth to bring pleasure to your sinful partner, put the word. Ladies instead of playing Catwoman on saturday, and preaching on Sunday, learn to be a VIRTUOUS WOMAN. When will the Foolishness end? Sinners need an example will today be the day that you be it? I believe wholeheartedly in this statement, Rainbows are a symbol of God's Promise, not the emblem for millions who will go to hell if they don't repent.

Its not always the Devil

Through the years I have met a lot of Men and Women who blame the devil for misfortunes, sicknesses, bad habits, pretty much anything that poses negative in a persons life. GOD revealed to me although the devil is very influential in the constant warfare we experience not only as Christians, but as humans its not always his fault. We are sometimes the cause. How can you know God as a healer if you've never seen him, nor felt his healing powers. Many don't know that warfare is internal, and it first starts in the mind. When troops go to war they all begin with a battlefront, the spiritual war many of us experience isnt too much different. Sometimes worry, doubt, and confusion can cause sickness in our bodies. So the next time you think of saying its the devil, first evaluate where you are in you spirit and in your mind. When you acknowledge bad opposition it gives it foot room in our life. As a man thinketh that he is.

July 6, 2011

Get Dirty

You ever think to yourself, Man why is my attitude jacked up? How about, Why don't I trust people? Why do people say I'm mean? I've come to the realization when it comes to set ways of an individual there is a bad root.

When I turned 18 I started going to a Pentecostal Church, and I noticed all the women wore skirts, but for some reason I didn't. It wasn't because of the fact that I didn't agree with the doctrine or because I thought they were ugly, I didn't want to wear a skirt whether how cute, long, or short. It wasn't until I started writing on my first book, when I realized where it all started . Sometimes we don't like to address things in our life especially if its painful, but because I wanted to release myself of anything that can pose a hinderance I addressed what I pushed in the back of my mind. When I was 4 years old in pre-k I met this boy named Courtney (what a coincidence) I knew he liked me but I didn't pay him attention. One day I was on the play ground wearing a skirt outfit my mom got me for picture day.  He walked up to me and shoved his hand up my skirt and put his fingers in my panties. At 4 did I have thoughts of where he learn this or maybe he was abused all I could think of is ths doesn't feel right, it hurt, and get away from me. I CRIED. he eventually ran off, but it left me scared and vulnerable. Skirts symbolized exposure to me, I didn't feel safe or like I had any control. In pants I felt like I had control over the opening I had inbetween my legs. Although we can't change situations and circumstances we do control how we choose to let it control our life. Quit internalizing situations, it may be painful but, address your emotions in that moment and move forward. You don't always have to confide in a friend, family member, counselor sometimes being by yourself can be the best medicine, at that time you can say how you really feel. Get dirty, uproot the dead roots. Replace those dirt holes with beautiful thoughts, aspirations, and dreams. Don't ever give root to the devil and don 't let your emotions become the water to a bad seed. A good tree can't grow unless there are 4 components: a seed, soil, water, and light.

You are the SOIL your dreams/desires/visions are the SEED, our Determination is the WATER, and GOD is our Light.

Let's Keep this a Secret

The One thing that goes unmentioned unless something major happens whether it be a broken arm, bruised face, or death is Abuse. Yesterday I was leaving my job and on my way home I watched a woman get dragged up the street while being punched in the head by a man whom I believe was her husband. Everytime she tried to run he grabbed her by her throat. People drove by and watched, the sad part is although she was screaming for help no one stopped to help her. We live in a society where its not okay for anyone to help. Police Officers are getting shot up left and right, and you never know who has a concealed weapon on them. Only if there were a system or enough individuals to provide help for women who daily get beat, spit on, and made to feel worthless. I couldn't do anything but pray and ask God to send his angels to protect her. This situation hit home for me, I used to be the one being abused, but I never got to see someone else be in the shoes I used to walk in.