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October 18, 2011

It's Time to Cut the Rope!

Many of us have heard the term Spiritual Soul Tie, but what does it really mean?? How does it affect you?? I pray that this touches your heart, mind, and soul while encouraging you to Cut those Ropes that Hinder and keep you Bound.

What is a Spiritual Soul Tie?
A spiritual soul tie is a connection in the spirit realm between two people. They can be created in many ways but the determining factor is words. In the beginning of time the world was created by the words of our Father: God. He spoke the words Light and there it was..etc.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." Proverbs 18:21

If you call someone your Sister, upon the meaning of what a Sister is that's what type of connection becomes established in the spirit realm. If you call someone a Father, upon the meaning of what a Father is that's the type of connection that takes place in the spirit...Get It??

How does this affect you?

If you don't understand the depth of the meaning of a word and the power behind the word it can create problems, for instance, I had lots of encounters last year when men would add me and call me Daughter on Facebook, I sought God and asked him what kind of spiritual attack this was and he said the enemy is using these men to create a submissive barrier and connection in my spirit with their spirit.

Let's Break this down

In the natural we all have mothers and fathers, and as children we are to submit to the Authority of our parents. In the spirit realm we have spiritual mothers and fathers, and as spiritual children we are to submit to the Authority of our Spiritual parents, however if you have 10 different Men/Women of God claiming you what do you think that's doing to your spirit?

Godly Soul Ties
-Are Spiritual Ties in the Realm of the Spirit that are presumely Holy and positive, also having an intention of doing Good in the Kingdom of God.

Such Soul Ties can be as a Pastor to a Member, Spiritual Mentor to a Child, Spiritual Brother to another Brother, bestfriend to a friend etc. (Elijah & Elisha, Moses & Aaron, Paul & Timothy, Paul & Silas)

UnGodly Soul Ties
-Are Spiritual Ties in the Realm of the Spirit that are Unholy, having the intent to destroy the person whom it's created with; through transference of demonic spirits/curses. UnGodly Soul Ties are also ties with an individual who do not share the same belief of Faith in God, and who lives a life full of sin.

Such UnGodly Soul Ties can be a lover out of wedlock, lying friends, those who gossip, those who live a life of Anger, Jealousy etc. (Aholah & Aholibah, Jezebel & Ahab, David & Bethsheba, Saul & David)

It is important to understand and know who has claimed you, and who you've claimed. 

Once you've realized how do you act on it?
Just as Easy as it is to establish a soul tie, it's easy to get rid of: PRAYER!

I encourage you to make a list and what makes your connection UnGodly whether its an old smoking partner, sex buddy, drinking, gossip etc then you pray this simple prayer. Always remember that you have to be willing to cut the soul tie and believe in the prayer as you say it.

Prayer of Disconnection

Dear Heavenly Father, I am coming to your throne asking for your help, I realize that I haven't done everything pleasing in your eyesight and I ask for your forgiveness. Heavenly Father I'm asking that the Soul tie I have with ________________ be broken, I denounce the connection of ______________ (whatever connection you have whether its lust, gossip etc) be severed in Jesus name, and I plead the blood of Jesus over myself. From this day forth I declare Victory over the Enemy through your Power and Strength. I give your name all Glory, Honor, and Praise in Jesus Name! Amen.

After you pray this prayer for every soul tie that you know is not good for you, believe and move forward. Use self discipline, even when you become tempted to call them or answer there calls remind yourself of whats important, which is being pleasing to God. Once you have obtained the strength to not fall into diverse temptations then you can communicate with he/she again, by then they probably will be gone. Don't get discouraged because God is a Redeemer and Restorer. 

Once You Obtain Victory keep walking forward.

God Bless you

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