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August 26, 2011

Desperate ChurchWives of Ministry

This Blog has been pressing in my Spirit for awhile. I believe this is something that goes unaddressed and it does more damage than good in ministry among women.

I have had the pleasure to meet a lot of Pastor Wives and Girlfriends in Ministry. There are a lot of young couples sharing the faith and striving to be productive for the Kingdom but they lack maturity. Ladies you gotta do better. Majority of you serve as Intercessors, Prophetesses, Evangelists, and Apostles along side our spouses, but some how forgotten your purpose when it comes to dealing with other women. Since no one wants to address it I feel led, not every woman who reaches out to your spouse desires him. So many times as women we feel as if were operating out of the Spirit of God using discernment but really its Emotions. Although you may not think it poses a hindrance to your spouse ministry it does. Remind yourself if God put you together can't no man put it asunder. When dealing with spirits whether it be Lust, Witchcraft, Anger, Jealousy they have no GENDER.  As a Woman of God you have to walk more in the Spirit of God and not the Spirit of Self. Whether you want to admit it or not you know it ain't right. Stop complaining and nagging, you are the Mother to the Ministry and every soul that your husband covers. If you feel rebellious, angry, and frustrated while reading this, there is a spirit trying to take root named Jezebel so rebuke it and be set free. Operate more out of Love in actions, and in words when dealing with your spouse. Surround yourself around other Women of God that will support you and push you. Not everything needs to be said when something is revealed to you, sometimes you just have to get quiet and pray. I am not saying don't express yourself in strong rebuke to those who you know openly attack your husband (don't get it twisted if the devil tried to act a donkey towards my husband, I will hit him with a right and left, and have no problem telling the devil to sit down and shut up in Jesus name) In doing so remember you have to always be supportive, its not his fault he has been anointed and appointed to do the work of the Lord.  Trust in your Man of God. He is your Strength and you are his, if you are weak in spirit that can affect him. Be strong and of Good Courage, Be Meek and Forgiving, Do not give the devil Authority over your mind and Emotions, stay prayed up, Keep your Husband covered, and KEEP IT MOVING!


Lord I thank you for the call to Ministry you have given my husband and I. I ask that you always guide me in Wisdom, when it comes to the Matters of my Flesh, Teach me how to operate in your Love and not my Emotions. Father forgive me If I have said things that were not pleasing to you, I understand to much is given much is required. On this day I put all trust in you and my husband to make the right decisions when doing your Will in our lives. I rebuke the Spirit of Jezebel from trying to take root in my Mind and Emotions I declare myself triumphant and free in Jesus Name, Amen.

I pray this helps someone its time to restore Love and Order back into the church and Ministry. If your unhappy remember you said Yes and I do to your Husband and all that came along with him such as the Ministry.  Learn what it takes to be a Wife and the Office. You are Victorious!

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