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July 18, 2011

Bend Over for me.. Please?

Submission is always spoken highly of in Ministry, and If you can't submit to your Leader you might as well leave. I have had many debates about spirtual authority in ministry. How many of you have had Spiritual Parents? I have come to the conclusion that this ideology of "spiritual parents" isn't for everyone. Note that just because you don't have them doesn't mean your out of order. God will always be your covering. In this blog like all the others I have written I can only speak for myself. In 2010. I was introduced to my FIRST set of spiritual parents. Boy was this a journey...

The Prophet named Joseph

It seemed like everytime my "spiritual father" crossed my mind he would call...I asked him why that was, and he said it was because God ordained him to be my spiritual father so our soul tie was automatic. For the record Satan is so ignorant. Because, my real father wasn't in my life emtionally I took to him easily.


I started having strange dreams. IN these dreams he was always clothed in a black robe. (For you seers, we know black attire such as robes are in reference to ministry) However it was like his robe was painted on his neck and it flowed down. In these dreams he was telling demons and witches to go away when they would attack me. These weren't ordinary spirts they were short demons wih ugly faces some with yellowish eyes or black. It was weird because he didn't command them to go in the name of Jesus.  But everytime he gave an order They obeyed him. I was knieve to what I was seeing because I couldnt believe what was being revealed. But since I'm a girl who believes in praying over everything revealed to me in the spirit I had no choice but to accept. This man was a WARLOCK! Not only was he that...he was HORNY. He got off (turned on) to hear my voice, he loved to look at my pictures, can sumbody say ewww! I was hurt how could someone pretend to be of God and do these vile things. GOD also revealed to me that he was trying to control my anointing. (If I wasn't saved I would've showed my behind...praise God for Jesus) He got kicked to the sewer under the curb.

Unfortunately, In ministry now you see it alot. Young people being controlled and manipulated by leaders who wish they had the same anointing and authority. People! Don't allow yourselves to be deceived!

Ladies get to know the men trying to cover you as a daddy. Some Leaders just want to hear you call them daddy. Fellas know the genuine anointing God has placed over your life and let God lead you to your mentors.


An Apostle can't cover an Apostle. A Bishop doesn't supercede an Apostle. NO matter the title we will all be judged the same. Sins outcome is always death. If you are knowingly trying to cover someone thru the spirit of Jealousy and Control your name is Jezebel, repent. Horny unmarried men if your spiritual daughters turn you on in the spirit, you need to Humbly Remove your covering, your Father in Heaven sees all.  

Anything contrary to the word of God is considered Unrighteous, and God says, "I'm removing my presence."

Wisdom. Knowledge. Understanding.

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