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July 28, 2011

In the Pit

For the past few days I have been experiencing Nausea, and everytime I tell someone the first thing they ask is..are you pregnant. but I believe God is trying to teach me something, Oftentimes we as Christians have symptoms and when we go to someone for advice, but instead of getting help we get branded.

For example if someone is experiencing warfare in all areas of there life most would think well maybe your still in sin or part of this world. If I'm broke folks will say stuff like, your finances are cursed, or he/she is a gambler etc, but thats not the case. Sometimes things go awry in our life just to test our faith. How can you know God as a Healer, if you've never been healed? How can you know God as a heart regulator if you've never had Heart Problems. Remember also everything you go through isn't for you. (Get out of that selfish mindset) The things we go through are for others as a ministering tool. To be a light.

Just like Jesus paid a price to be our Savior, all Children of God will have to go through certain things when taking a stand for the truth. This world is full of demonic forces because of the prince of this world (the devil) who is always seeking to destroy those who live for Christ.

Get out of the woe is me syndrome and walk in victory. Remember our Faith is the determination of the size of our blessings. Never forget we serve a BIG God quit limiting your desires and trust in knowing God will supply all of your needs according to his riches in Glory.

Triumphant Thursday let's get it!

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