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July 19, 2011

Dazed & Confused: Ladies so you think your a Man?

Well I may loose some followers because of this blog, but in life you loose and gain so oh well. :)

"A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach......;" 1 Timothy 3:2

I have met quite a few Women Bishops ( I know I'm always meeting someone) when asked what made them be apart of that office, they all said because thats what they desired. If I was a doctor I would have one diagnosis....confused.

I'm not writing this to debate (that would be a waste of yours and my time) however as a Prophetess of versatility, light should be shown on ALL THINGS. The only word found interchangeable as far as gender is concerned is SOME. ("And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;" Ephesisans 4:11)
In Latin terminology some is referred too as he/she. When I looked up the definition of wife I got:

*Wife- n. a woman joined in marriage to a man; a woman considered in relation to her husband; spouse.

What I have come to realize is...women love control, especially women who have dealt with some form of rejection/abuse. God is calling his people back to the church, and the order needs to be set. I'm not challenging anyone's anointing. The fact of the matter is, Women still have an ordained placed in Ministry, Relationships, etc. No matter what anyone has done to you, God's word never returns back void. Unless you were put to sleep and your rib was taken out of you, and God made you a spouse you need to correct yourself. Jezebel seeks to be in any position that she can dominate in. If its the money/fame that usually goes along with the title, go bake some really good cookies and sell them, or start your own business.

Whether you believe that you are in order or not, the word of God is the Last determining factor. The Word of God is God's Words. Contrary to the belief that we don't live in the Old Testament, if thats the case there wouldn't be an OLD TESTAMENT, it would just be a NEW TESTAMENT. Don't be foolish. I pray this helps someone realize their place in God. If your unsure fast and pray and wait on God.

I rather be in order than be out of order and get punished.

How many important Women Bishops do you know? I haven't heard about any so...God Bless

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